The panel cited a suspected case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a potentially fatal skin rash, in a child taking part in a Sparlon study.
Meanwhile, test results are from a suspected case at an abattoir on Anglesey in north Wales are now expected to be announced on Tuesday.
The Commission says it has "zero tolerance when it comes to fraud and the Commission's action is a reflection of our duty to protect the EU budget and EU taxpayers from a case of suspected fraud".
Moscow Echo radio says a case of suspected criminal neglect has been opened.
But spy-catchers usually prefer watching to pouncing, in hopes of finding a suspected agent's case officer or means of communication.
French police arrested Dominique Gevrey, a crucial witness in the suspected espionage case, as he tried to leave the country on a flight to Guinea.
FORBES: Dueling Disasters For Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Nissan and Renault
One suspected case in a factory could disrupt operations for days.
Four policemen have been suspended and a fifth transferred over the handling of a suspected new rape and murder case close to the Indian capital, Delhi.
For the past 12 years, Britain has been fighting to get the European court to overturn a similar ruling in the case of Chahal, a Sikh activist living in Britain, who was suspected of terrorism in his native India.
"Under Welsh Assembly Government guidance the Local Safeguarding Children's Board undertakes a case review whenever a child dies and abuse or neglect is suspected, " said a spokesman.
In the case before the court, the GPS tracking information followed the suspect to a suspected drug stash house.
FORBES: Criminals Laud Supreme Court GPS Decision (Or Should)
In 2010, Damien's case was changed by the police from that of a missing person to a suspected murder investigation.
BBC: Mother of Damien Nettles talks of drugs debt murder theory
DeGeorge told officials he suspected the explosion was caused either by "hit men" working for the opposite side in a hotly disputed case he was litigating--a "suspicious-looking fishing boat" had circled his yacht, he said--or by the negligence of a repairman who left flammable material near a stove.