Israel is seeking a trial period of two or three months before restarting negotiations.
London Underground has tried to resolve the dispute, in part, by offering a trial period of voluntary overtime.
At the same meeting, FIFA also confirmed it would permit the wearing of headscarves during a trial period.
In New Jersey, where a new tax was passed in July 2002 but made retroactive to Jan. 1, 2002, a trial judge ruled in favor of the estate of a woman who died during the period of retroactivity.
Will, for example, a two-year trial demonstrate sufficient benefit when the rate of decline in patients might occur over a 10-year period?
He said the trial would only have a small impact and a longer period of time was needed.
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Some companies don't firm up their hires until an initial trial period of 90 days has come to a close.
Quite often, in the rush to prevent an attack, authorities will move in and seize a suspected operative and hold him without trial for an indefinite period of time.
He said the road layout would be returned to its original configuration at the end of the trial period, and a thorough review would be carried out with all interested parties.
District Judge Howard Riddle said for a brief period the trial process had been put in jeopardy and that the prospect of collapse must have been "agonising" for the Lawrences.
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If the Agusta-Dassault trial does not produce clear-cut and comprehensible verdicts within a reasonable period of time, one result is sure to be more calls from Flemish politicians that justice, too, should come under regional control, so leaving still less need for a unitary Belgian state.
At the end of the 3-month trial period, you should provide a formal written review.
The terms and conditions of any further Paris Club reschedulings for Poland a form of debt relief that should be withheld for the six-month trial period called for above must be publicly debated before they are finalized.
Biotech executives dread what they call "the valley of death, " the period of time between a drug's conception in a lab and its first clinical trial.
For example, in October, 2009, the high court declared unconstitutional a new law that would have made certain institutional figures, including the Prime Minister, immune from trial during their period of office.