The arrangement gives an edge to the larger parties and will likely result in a two-party system.
The balance of power in women's basketball, once a two-party system with Connecticut and Tennessee, had begun to shift recently.
But the Italian election results offer a glimmer of hope for more of a two-party system, at least for a while.
The question that has plagued Liberals for more than half a century is how a third party can break open a two-party system.
The Radical party, the non-Peronist pole of a two-party system since 1945, has all but disappeared: its official candidate won just 2% of the vote.
Worse, we are locked (due to the winner-take-all nature of our elections) into a two-party system, so that removes a lot of nuance from the equation and leads to inefficiencies.
Thus something resembling a two-party system may be emerging.
On the theory that a united party of the right will then be matched by a united party of the left, France may therefore now be on the road to a two-party system familiar to voters in countries such as the United States, Britain, Australia, Spain or Germany.
Mr. Najib replaced former leader Mr. Badawi in 2009 after the opposition broke the National Front's comfortable two-thirds majority in the 2008 polls, turning Malaysia into a genuine two-party system for the first time in its history.
Mr. Najib himself replaced former leader Abdullah Badawi in 2009 after the opposition broke the National Front's comfortable two-thirds majority in the 2008 polls, turning Malaysia into a genuine two-party system for the first time in its history.
One of his main aims, which Mr Zeman seems to share, is to change the electoral system to encourage a broadly two-party system to emerge, rather than the present one in which small parties tend to hold the ring.
The case for Americans Elect is a polarizing two-party system that stymies debate and chokes choice that quashes voter involvement.
If this election founds a system of vibrant two-party competition, Japan will have undergone a monumental change, no matter who wins.
ECONOMIST: Japan's election: The woodpecker and the lumberjack | The
The two-party system is a boon for America when it is seen as providing a voice for two parts of a unified whole.
It replaced a supposedly neutral caretaker government that, under Bangladesh's fraught two-party system, normally takes over for three months at the end of a government's five-year term to oversee fair elections.
Use the corresponding questions and activities from the April 18 CNN NEWSROOM curriculum guide to help foster a discussion on the role that the two-party political system has played in American politics.
Nominally, Japan's slow moving political realignment has produced a kind of two party system, with the long-entrenched Liberal Democratic Party pitted against the New Frontier Party, which is made up mainly of dissidents from the LDP and the religious-based Komei party.
An old-established two-party system is giving way to a far more polarising class divide.
The old two-party system is dead, says Spiros Makrigiannis, a shopkeeper in Anavra.
Despite the emergence of the centrist contender Francois Bayrou as a third force at the presidential election, the parliamentary vote largely confirmed the two-party system.
Many worry that partisanship in the U.S. leads to policy paralysis, but political disagreement here pales in comparison to the European Union, which has 27 member states whose political landscapes feature far more parties than the two-party system in the U.S. The U.S. also possesses a single jurisdictional political entity that allows it to enforce a common fiscal and monetary policy across all of its parts.