Ford was fired last week from his cherished side-job as a volunteer high school football coach.
Sadder still, she goes back to her old college to work as a volunteer.
She brought in a volunteer, a former pre-school teacher named Olivia Dotson Reynolds, who tutored Taylor.
However, some Russian army officers want to organize a volunteer force to defend the Serbs.
She was a volunteer who was performing in the ceremony, the London organizing committee said Sunday.
"Someone who is paid to do campaign work is not a volunteer, " he said.
Gabriel Mizrachi, 17, and a volunteer with the Gingrich campaign, said he likes Buddy Roemer.
In college, I became a volunteer for the junior high ministry at my church.
The opening date for an extension to a volunteer steam railway in Sussex has been announced.
There's also satisfaction which comes from being a volunteer, or just from national pride.
She was also involved in the accounting and financial duties of GTI as a volunteer.
Help a woman spread her wings and fly by becoming a volunteer mentor today!
His son, a volunteer fireman at the neighborhood's fire department, had already surveyed their homes.
He also acts as a volunteer in helping me with my office work and administration.
Helen Blackburn, Whitehill's commercial manager, worked as a volunteer in Lusaka, Zambia, for over three years.
BBC: Tam Cowan and Stuart Cosgrove are supporting the campaign
Roque, 40, defected from Cuba in 1992 and became a volunteer for Brothers to the Rescue.
One, called the "trust game", involved a scenario where a volunteer was given some money.
Ideally, it will be your current or former supervisor at work or from a volunteer position.
The mood in the capital Dili was calm, Michael Maley, a volunteer observer told the Australian broadcaster.
Built a 27, 000 square foot, three-story concrete outpatient clinic, with medical facilities, office, and a volunteer residence.
That means teaching, in this case, a volunteer posse the tools for achieving that good guy status.
During this time, I taught basic parenting as a volunteer at the Board of Probation and Parole.
Wearing a red T-shirt with Chavez' picture on it, Maria Cormoto Martinez, works here as a volunteer.
He gave up graduate school and threw himself into work as a volunteer publicizing the AIDS problem.
What stoked the furor was the mistranslation that Church was looking for such a volunteer right now.
FORBES: Wrong Science, DNA Sequencing, And Freaking Out About Neanderthals
Sir Jimmy began fund-raising for the NSIC in 1972 after joining as a volunteer porter in 1969.
Finally, in late February 2005, a few of the boys approached a volunteer math tutor named Marc Slattery.
Whether you're a volunteer or a donor, we can't and we won't guarantee access to any government officials.
He was a retired Humberside Police officer, from Beverley, and working as a volunteer guard on the railway.
He began his charity work for the NSIC in 1972 after joining as a volunteer porter in 1969.