• And the United States I think has something to say about that, because part of what makes us a superpower is because we have people of every walk of life, every background, every religion, and if they've got a good idea and they're willing to work hard, they can succeed.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference with King Abdullah II of Jordan | The White House

  • And one of the great things about watching our Olympics is we are a portrait of what this country is all about -- people from every walk of life, every background, every race, every faith.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • The judgment is quite a long and detailed one and we'll have to look at it and take legal advice, but I think it was worth that money, to actually put forward the argument to the court, that there is a security issue here and in what other walk of life, I mean police chiefs don't have their addresses, where they're living in the papers.

    BBC: Harriet Harman interview

  • But as in any other walk of life, it is sad to see a long-cherished dream go unfulfilled.

    BBC: No dream ending for Fleming

  • Soon, children may walk into the Museum of Natural History, look a life-sized velociraptor in the eye, and watch it scamper lightly away.

    FORBES: Dinosaur Robots For Sale

  • Something changes in you when for weeks and months you walk among people who in a flash of an instant might take your life or might not or may even come to your rescue.

    FORBES: Remembering the Road to Baghdad

  • But still it is hard to imagine he will walk away from a trial without some form of sanction, and with his life and career changed forever by four shots fired into a toilet door.

    BBC: Oscar Pistorius: Variations on a theme of grief

  • "I told Herb I had put too much of my life into Southwest Airlines to walk away from a chance to try and move it ahead, " recalls Parker, who joined the carrier in 1986, after seven years as a partner in Kelleher's former law firm.

    FORBES: Is There Such a Thing as Nonstop Growth?

  • As we walk down what used to be uptown Livingstone, the erosion of a century of life is obvious.

    CNN: Discovering the real Zambia

  • As you walk down to the river banks from the temple you may catch a glimpse of local life at its colourful best.

    BBC: Orchha, a living medieval town

  • So, on this day, let us commit our spirit to the pursuit of a life that is true, to act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with the Lord.

    WHITEHOUSE: White House Easter Prayer Breakfast

  • When you walk into a Chinese doctor's clinic, expect to be grilled on all aspects of your life - your appetite, digestion, bowel movements, perspiration, moods, sleep, dreams, energy levels, even your libido.


  • Part of life in the middle is letting some players with expiring contracts walk rather than fork over a king's ransom to keep them.

    FORBES: Major League Baseball

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