And the United States I think has something to say about that, because part of what makes us a superpower is because we have people of every walk of life, every background, every religion, and if they've got a good idea and they're willing to work hard, they can succeed.
And one of the great things about watching our Olympics is we are a portrait of what this country is all about -- people from every walk of life, every background, every race, every faith.
The judgment is quite a long and detailed one and we'll have to look at it and take legal advice, but I think it was worth that money, to actually put forward the argument to the court, that there is a security issue here and in what other walk of life, I mean police chiefs don't have their addresses, where they're living in the papers.
But as in any other walk of life, it is sad to see a long-cherished dream go unfulfilled.
Soon, children may walk into the Museum of Natural History, look a life-sized velociraptor in the eye, and watch it scamper lightly away.
Something changes in you when for weeks and months you walk among people who in a flash of an instant might take your life or might not or may even come to your rescue.
But still it is hard to imagine he will walk away from a trial without some form of sanction, and with his life and career changed forever by four shots fired into a toilet door.
"I told Herb I had put too much of my life into Southwest Airlines to walk away from a chance to try and move it ahead, " recalls Parker, who joined the carrier in 1986, after seven years as a partner in Kelleher's former law firm.
As we walk down what used to be uptown Livingstone, the erosion of a century of life is obvious.
As you walk down to the river banks from the temple you may catch a glimpse of local life at its colourful best.
So, on this day, let us commit our spirit to the pursuit of a life that is true, to act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with the Lord.
When you walk into a Chinese doctor's clinic, expect to be grilled on all aspects of your life - your appetite, digestion, bowel movements, perspiration, moods, sleep, dreams, energy levels, even your libido.
Part of life in the middle is letting some players with expiring contracts walk rather than fork over a king's ransom to keep them.