They know that parents have to parent, that children can't achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white.
Would you find it easier to read a book wearing white cloth gloves?
"For a white person reading a book, they're very rarely going to go, 'I'm just assuming this is a black character' if he or she isn't marked as such, " he said.
From these discussions emerged a book of 18 white papers, a set of analyses of the origins of the problems facing our economy, as well as a set of policy recommendations.
White, author of the book "A. Lincoln: A Biography, " has lectured on Lincoln at the White House and the Library of Congress.
Virtually every member of George Bush's White House is writing a book.
Does the White House have a view on this book by a Navy SEAL who is going to come out and talk about the bin Laden raid?
In that case, it is better to save those messages for a speech, when you have a captive audience, a white paper for your web site, an op-ed column, or even a book or special report.
The mission was written about in a bestselling book, Vulcan 607, by Roland White and is an example of why the Vulcans are so popular.
Just thinking about him with a book in one hand and a huge grin on his white-bearded face made me smile.
In addition to teaching, he also plans a book and some television work following his formal departure from the White House.
White House officials tried to portray Clarke as a disgruntled former employee with a book to sell, releasing earlier statements and documents they say undercut his credibility.
Inspired by the Portuguese colonists' white bean stew, they created a concoction with the earthier (and in my book, tastier) black beans.
But she is such a talented artist and her black-and-white drawings are so captivating, it seems wrong to call her memoir a comic book.
As the polo shirts left the area three well-dressed 50-something men, who wouldn't look out of place at a book festival, stood up towards the back of the balcony and placed white sticky labels over their mouths.
His lunch, which he ate on his own in an enormous, empty dining room while reading a book under the absentminded gaze of the elderly maid, and the black-and-white gaze of his deceased wife looking out from photographs in ornate silver frames, was light: soup and a small portion of fish and mashed potatoes, some of which he would allow to go cold.
Attending an elite undergraduate or graduate institution requires a certain test score level, which according to Charles Murray in his book Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010, translates into an IQ score well within the top 1% if the institution has high enough median scores.
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