The very word sharia which at its broadest can imply asortof divine ideal about how society should be organised, but can also refer to specific forms of corporal and capital punishment is now political dynamite.
Nationalization -- or 'temporary receivership, ' if you like, if the N-word is a political liability -- is an occasion to undo the sortof consolidation that has created an even bigger systemic problem.
Hidden in the cold legalese and legislative word-smithing is the following result: if a document could interfere with some sortof enforcement proceedings (very broadly defined by 5 U.S.C. 552 (c)), the agency does not simply deny the request for the document, but actually is instructed to act as if the document does not exist at all.
And then once you get the word out that you are being that sortof inclusive and inviting, then you start to get a reputation as being a welcoming place and your audiences will start to get bigger and more diverse.