Guys like James Harrison care deeply about winning and about the respect of their teammates.
Investors are too complacent about inflation and about America's enormous budget and current-account imbalances.
They want to control what our kids learn in school about sex and about science.
Kiri Blakeley writes about women being buzzed about and what women are buzzing about.
"Our argument is, let's get started on a conversation about territory and about security, " he said.
It's an ethical quandary and an economic one, about fairness and fate, about vanity and values.
"There's a lot of doom and gloom around, about this team and about Australian cricket, " admitted Ponting.
This has fallen to about 117 and about half of those breed in and around Langstone Harbour.
BBC: Langstone Harbour little tern nesting site project starts
He was a normal, smart adult, and he knew things both about America and about public policy.
Environmentalists have their misgivings about gas and about the methods used to get it out of the ground.
"Democracy, I would say to our friends in Iraq, is about inclusion and about compromise, " Mr. Kerry said.
His experiences changed how he thought about liberty and about church government, and they changed how he wrote.
We do know more about economics and about the workings of capital markets than our counterparts in prior generations.
Mr. Fyfe: I spend about two days a week in the office and about three days out and about.
WSJ: Managing in Asia: A Focus on People Keeps Little Guy Flying High
The main activity of Mehlman, his anti-heroical literary self, is to think about writing and about leaving his wife.
Optimizing your tax strategy involves some arcane arithmetic and a lot of guesswork about your future and about congressional behavior.
"You learn so much about yourself, and you learn so much about people, and about life in general, " he added.
But this country has spent far too long worried about scars and thinking about the scars and concentrating on the scars.
It's a push that is less about himself and more about his name and all that it has come to represent.
But the government probably did want to send a message about cost and about its willingness to pay for costly new treatments.
Many of the reporters in attendance asked about the stars of the new shows, and about ratings trends, and about programming decisions.
At the end of this work you will know a lot about Europe, about the cold war and about Mr Stone himself.
And we will be able to feel good about ourselves and sanctimonious about how pure our intentions are and how tough we are.
"It's a musical I think about striving and about identifying dreams and going after them in a tangible and unapologetic way, " Wright says.
And that -- without getting specific about what was said, that would include everything we talk about and read about for the most part.
It means consumers feeling better about themselves and about going out to enjoy all the goods and services this largest of global economies can offer.
FORBES: The Super Bowl Comeback -- Showing What America Does Best
And I was thinking about her life and thinking about life and death, and the things that you do think about when someone is passing.
Medvedev as well, because her country, like ours, is a place that cares deeply about culture and about the young people who carry it forward...
The problem is both about spending and about the forces' structure.
In reality, though, living a successful and fulfilling retirement may be less about money and more about keeping in contact with friends, staying healthy, and mentally sharp.