At the very least, this raises questions about fairness and impartiality from an agency that must be above reproach.
Would that we could return to a time when whistleblowers were more-or-less above reproach for all things other than whistleblowing.
FORBES: In Praise of Whistleblowers - Yes, Even Julian Assange
Starr, an intense, hardworking man above reproach, who strives for the truth and to act fairly, seemed perfect for such a delicate task.
Her personal credentials are likewise above reproach, including the courtesy and compassion to speak with a concerned stranger on a Sunday night.
FORBES: U.S. Powerless Against Honor Killings In Afghanistan
Will the Supreme Court, for example, be transformed into an institution that is above reproach once it is purged of its unsympathetic and fallible chief justice?
The 116-year-old central bank had seemed above reproach -- until March 11, when dozens of grim-faced prosecutors marched to its Tokyo headquarters to examine stacks of documents.
But even Croatia's best behaviour has not been above reproach.
In its diligence and transparency, it has been above reproach.
Marshalls dominates the United Kingdom hard landscape market. (The company manufactures paving and other products.) It is often the first to innovate and its ethics are above reproach, which has been a successful formula.
FORBES: Ode to the O-Ring: Expertise Beats Price Pressures Every Time
Democrats have not been above reproach either.
CNN: Commentary: 2008 campaign attack ads hit an all-time low
This is not to say that what has occurred is not a very serious offense as, more than just about any agency of government, it is critical that the Internal Revenue Service remain above reproach at all times an obligation in which they have clearly failed.
FORBES: No, Virginia, We Are Not Having A Watergate Style Impeachment Moment
While the reputation of Kim Il-Sung remains above reproach, his pampered heir is afforded no such deference by the martial fanatics in the KPA. This purported schism has led some to believe that Kim must take into consideration the opinion of the army to some extent before choosing the KPA's next commander in chief.