Inactivity in children leads to obesity and reduced academic performance across all socio-economic classes.
You see it when their academic performance improves, when you see improving attitudes and higher GPAs.
Though we have among the highest per-pupil expenditures, we have among the lowest academic performance levels.
Research shows the word deficit is tied to later academic performance and employment opportunities.
In Orleans Parish, academic performance scores in the school district have risen nearly 25 percent.
The administration seeks to persuade schools to advance students on academic performance and not on age.
CNN: Clinton asks Congress to triple funding for after-school programs
On one measure of academic performance, over 90 of the world's top 100 universities are in America.
One example is grade inflation, the tendency for comparable academic performance to be awarded higher grades over time.
Regular physical activity enhances important skills, like concentration and problem solving, which have been shown to improve academic performance.
C. school superintendent recommended that six schools be closed due to, among a number of things, low academic performance.
It also presents evidence that part-time working at university is harming academic performance.
From educators working to provide healthier school meals, because they know the connection between proper nutrition and academic performance.
At issue were the length of the school day, tying teacher evaluations to student academic performance, and potential job cuts.
Harsh families made up the smallest group and their kids had the worst academic performance and the highest levels of depression.
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Mr Spear said the "obsession" with measuring pupils' academic performance ignored the other needs - social and emotional - of children.
The Huskies earlier had been ordered to sit out the 2013 NCAA tournament, because of its past players' sub-par academic performance rate.
What I came to understand in those interviews is that we already know the secret to improving academic performance for African-American children.
Numerous surveys show the benefits of physical and organized sport activity for students, both for their health and for improving their academic performance.
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Although the city's struggling schools generally face closure because of poor academic performance, the Believe schools are being targeted for fiscal and governance problems.
In 2009, one year after Sampson's departure, there came a final insult: Poor academic performance cost the Hoosiers two basketball scholarships for a season.
It does not always occur, however research has indicated that father absence can lead to poor academic performance, and in some instances lead to delinquent behaviors.
WHITEHOUSE: Effective Strategies for Working with Fathers Returning from Prison | The White House
The impact of the Shirelands Learning Gateway on academic performance has been so positive that school officials are quickly expanding it to reach several hundred additional schools.
Sir Michael said the secret to boosting children's reading and writing abilities - and their overall academic performance - lay in getting things right when they were young.
New USDA meal patterns and professional standards will assure improved quality child nutrition programs for our children which in turn will support student academic performance in the classroom.
WHITEHOUSE: Bringing Healthy, Affordable Food to Underserved Communities | The White House
Some 20% of the intake are on free school meals, an indicator of poverty often linked with poor academic performance, and 20% do not speak English at home.
Hutching is particularly interested in research looking at the impact of inactivity on academic performance, and is trying to pass legislation to require more physical activity in Utah schools.
"It is disturbing that our current players must pay a penalty for the academic performance of students no longer enrolled, " University of Connecticut President Susan Herbst said in a statement.
The online internship database,, conducted a survey which revealed that employers prefer internship candidates with relevant experience, over a candidate with a high academic performance at an elite school.
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In addition, physically active kids do better in school, with studies showing that physical activity enhances important skills, like concentration and problem solving, which have been shown to improve academic performance.
The Coach Dossier even goes into Academic Performance Rankings, further strengthening the value of this tool for athletic departments that are either looking to hire or considering whether to retain a coach.
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