He asked his daughters to assess their friends academically on a scale of zero to five.
Ramsey, a Welsh speaker, also did well academically despite his commitments with Cardiff City.
Generally speaking, girls with autism have greater learning disabilities and more problems academically than boys.
Academically, many of its liberal arts, sciences and scientific research programs are among the very best.
The NCAA has docked Idaho football 15 scholarships over the past five years for lagging academically.
After all, these are men and women of accomplishment who have achieved academically, professionally and socially.
FORBES: Nucky Thompson: Know Yourself Before You Can Get What You Want
The participants, about three dozen per class, are academically gifted, often varsity athletes, and driven.
"Academically he was at the top of the top, " said Timothy White, chancellor of UC Riverside.
It also improves academically: FORBES ranked Notre Dame No. 12 on its recent college rankings.
FORBES: Notre Dame's ACC Move Doesn't Make Sense Without Football
That said, the effect seems to be stronger among the less academically-inclined end of the applicant pool.
Pope Francis on Tuesday used simple, straightforward language, unlike the at-times baroque rhetoric of the more-academically inclined Benedict.
It is hard for a student to catch up academically if she is significantly behind in high school.
And despite this effort, many students are not academically prepared to participate, innovate and compete in this workforce.
"He did a lot for us off the court, academically, socially, " he said during a separate telephone conversation.
The academically brilliant son of a Catalan baker, he at first sparked much enthusiasm among the party faithful.
Pope Francis on Wednesday used simple, straightforward language, unlike the at-times baroque rhetoric of the more-academically inclined Benedict.
It may be that to be the top dog economically, we may never be the top dog academically.
FORBES: Why It Never Matters That America 'Lags' Other Nations On Global Test Scores
Put another way, how well can it predict our successes, academically or professionally, and what variables may matter more?
FORBES: Women Surpass Men In IQ, But Are Other Factors More Important?
Why would sports success spark greater admissions interest, even among academically superior students?
FORBES: The Flutie Effect: How Athletic Success Boosts College Applications
William's 2:1 class degree beats his father's 2:2 from Cambridge, making him one of the most academically successful royals.
Both the grades and the rankings look at how students have improved academically.
The Trust said that a young person with a conduct disorder will often struggle at school both socially and academically.
Both reports were attacked by the media and by the professoriate as cheap, academically shoddy attempts to harm academic freedom.
One reason: the country's long history of valuing education, so women who achieve academically are seen as smart and savvy.
They resent being compared academically, when on average, charters in New York City have fewer poor, immigrant and special-education students.
Education Secretary Michael Gove has previously called for a more academically rigorous approach to A-levels with greater involvement from universities.
Anthony Sabatino is involved in a community-service program in which he helps children academically and also gives them music lessons.
The ones who left tended to share certain characteristics: they were at the top academically, and they were outgoing and lively.
It is difficult to figure out why Clarence Thomas went along with his eight academically-steeped brothers and sisters on the Court.
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The important thing, Mr Clarke opined, was to make sure that universities were open to academically able young people from all backgrounds.