Accidents happen and, boy, when they do, we expect a full and serious accounting of what went wrong and why.
But four out of 10 men and 24% of women think fewer accidents happen on rural roads because they are quieter, the survey indicates.
Boost Mobile and Kyocera recognize that mobile phone accidents happen, but unlike cracked screens or broken keypads that can be replaced, water damage is usually irreversible.
Regulatory reforms and policy changes are urgently needed to prevent drilling disasters, ensure oil-rig safety in the Gulf and elsewhere and guarantee rapid response and cleanup when accidents happen.
Accidents happen, get resolved, and progress continues.
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From my experience of the last few months, I have seen more accidents happen in central London due to inattentive drivers, cyclists and pedestrians than by any so-called "maniac" driving a few miles over the posted speed limit.
If disabled athletes want parity, the view went, then that means accepting that accidents will happen.
If they are not trained, things may go wrong, accidents might happen and everything will take longer.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Working Lunch | Lunch Lesson 12 - Apprenticeships
Sometimes people who don't know that tradition, they do whatever they like and climb whenever they like, and then sometimes accidents can happen.
Some news organizations are asking whether similar accidents could happen at other airports, including this ABC News report questioning A380 safety at LAX.
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Unfortunately, accidents that happen while the car is parked or immobile are not covered by auto insurance, according to Sam Belden, vice president of
But in the experimental phases, there are tragically accidents that happen.
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Not much oil was spilled, but the message was clear: so long as there are ships, and humans steer them, accidents will happen, and may be huge ones.
But accidents do happen and each day we came home from filming we both silently said prayers thanking whatever power there is from giving us another accident free day.
"The safety board has long been on record making recommendations about survivability when accidents do happen to make sure that operators and passengers are protected as much as possible, " Hersman said, but those haven't been implemented.
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Chief executives throughout the oil and gas industry are now asking their operational leadership for assurance that similar accidents will never happen in their organizations.
Ruth Evans, his partner, said "accidents are waiting to happen" near the building due to the wind tunnel created by its design.
And one of the things about these types of storms we know, unfortunately, the death toll may continue to go up in the recovery phase through accidents and other things that happen.
Just like accidents, leaks are bound to happen and attempts to stop the traffic will fail, says Mr Schneier, the security expert.
With economic agents supposedly possessing perfect information about all possible contingencies, systemic crises could never happen except as a result of accidents and surprises beyond the reach of economic theory.
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We often watch as other people face health scares, family care challenges, or sudden accidents and think to ourselves, how terrible for them, but it will never happen to me.