That meant he had to keep hopping around the table to accommodate the diners.
Sometimes to accommodate cultural and individual needs, the courses are arranged for evenings and weekends.
So far Dr Jaafari has given little sign of wanting to accommodate the Sunni insurgency.
Mr. Tex will be 3 inches taller in order to accommodate a fire-suppression system.
The Iraqis, of course, are being pressured by the Iranians not to accommodate this legal-custody request.
WSJ: David Rivkin and Charles Stimson: Obama and the Hezbollah Terrorist
Fiorina changed the retreat agenda to accommodate their concerns, but resisted any immediate reorganization.
Nansledan is expected to eventually accommodate 3, 750 homes and a similar number of jobs.
The typical fiber-optic cable now holds 144 strands of glass, enough to accommodate 57.6 terabips.
And, according to Senate reporting, they were lessening their standards to accommodate these institutions.
How to accommodate the floods of visitors preoccupies the staff of the Van Gogh Museum.
Its concept and forms are as radical as the contemporary works of art they accommodate.
WSJ: New Guggenheim: Art and Architecture as One | By Ada Louise Huxtable
The trial moved quickly -- and through the weekend -- to accommodate the judge's schedule.
This view claims to accommodate the seemingly odd behavior of temperature in the last 15 years.
FORBES: Global Warming: Hotheads, Flatliners and Lukewarmers, Part One
It's hard to find area stops large enough to accommodate, say, 80 West Point cadets.
WSJ: Ever More Pointing, Talking: The Rise of New York City Tour Guides
It is difficult to imagine a more different pair of countries that must accommodate one another.
FORBES: China May Not Be A U.S. Ally, But It's Also Not An Adversary
They have large flight decks to accommodate helicopters up to the size of a Chinook.
Required tools: an orienteering map and an automobile that can accommodate a team of four.
WSJ: In Estonia, a 'Scavenger Hunt' for People Who Love Saunas
Any device for social dreaming adventures would need to be able to accommodate this also.
FORBES: Saying 'Hi' Through A Dream: How The Internet Could Make Sleeping More Social
To accommodate them, the store will open one hour earlier than usual, at 7 a.m.
Ultimately India will need to accommodate the aspirations of its most ambitious and able citizens.
He made slight adjustments to accommodate Lovano's 12-piece orchestra, adding flute and tenor sax parts.
Conclusion: It makes sense to develop 100-seat commuter planes that Asia's existing airports can easily accommodate.
There is every imaginable way to accommodate for their age, even in other countries.
Doors in the building were designed to be extra tall to accommodate the famously towering players.
WSJ: London Olympics 2012 | These Knock-Down, Shrinkable Games | By Hugh Pearman
Mikol got her a mouse with a turbo ball to accommodate her arthritic hands.
His house will also have to be renovated to accommodate his wheelchair and new lifestyle.
These wheelchairs have been tested at big competitions and accommodate different abilities and body types.
FORBES: Veterans Research Lab Focuses on Creating Special Devices for Disabled Veterans
It said it wanted to "accommodate the concerns of the parade organisers and residents".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Appeals for calm over city parade
There remains a question of how many Linux distributions even a growing market can accommodate.
An additional wing had to be opened to accommodate the large number of mourners.