It is important that operational managers understand how to accommodate the workplace to make it accessible and even more important that operational managers are empowered to accommodate.
In just three days of high-fat eating, a rat learns to accommodate itself to a more abundant life.
Closed in March 2009, Blackfriars Underground station is now able to accommodate up to 60% more passengers a day.
EU's 15 existing members meet to revise the Union's treaties, this time to reshape its institutions to accommodate up to a dozen new members.
It was all 50 or 60 years ago, and Ms Sereny's further concern in this book is with the struggle of later generations of Germans to digest what happened, to accommodate themselves to their history.
"I don't think there's a magic number as to the total that we need to have in the final budget, but it does need to accommodate permanent family child credits, and it needs to accommodate broad-based capital gains relief, " said Rep. Bill Archer (R-Tex.).
But nations may have to accommodate new political powers, just as the Catholic Church had to accommodate the advent of nations.
They have large flight decks to accommodate helicopters up to the size of a Chinook.
And you had better not eat or drink: Some of these new aircraft have only two lavatories to accommodate their 126 to 189 passengers.
The fact that Mr Arafat was obliged to accommodate his ceasefire to the factions' conditions is one sign of the changes the intifada has wrought in the Palestinian national movement, with power now divided between the militias and the leader.
But let's put their shared consensus another way: Somehow it became a conventional view in contemporary American politics that it is non-urban conservatives who in every case have to accommodate their beliefs to a national culture created by people who live somewhere else.
They are said to be working up plans to contain, or at least, accommodate themselves to such a prospect.
Maidstone Borough Council said it needs to accommodate thousands of homes to meet demand in the coming years.
But other courts, in Colorado, for example, have said employers need to bend over backwards to accommodate those who need to proselytize.
Was it, as some tacticians argue, a case of India's game being too rooted in natural grass to accommodate an international switch to artificial turf?
Tickets are tiered to accommodate those who want to stand propped up at the bar, relax in a booth or sit close to the action at small tables near the stage.
But even private schools, which have the most money and best teachers, find it hard to accommodate those who want to take exams a lot earlier than their peers.
Tampa Bay was one of a few teams with enough room under the salary cap to accommodate Revis' desire to become one of the highest-paid defensive players in the league.
Most commuters showed a remarkable ability to accommodate the long distances to their work place, says Patricia Mokhtarian, professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Davis.
Many instead come in a day early or leave a day later to accommodate airline schedules and to be awake and alert for classes that are several time zones earlier or later than their own.
The US government and any other government of most developed markets, and the international organizations should enhance and change their business approaches to accommodate these new issues to set up longer term of economic development.
FORBES: Dear President Obama, The Unemployment Rate Is Falling For All The Wrong Reasons
According to port authority deputy Executive Director Bill Baroni, the airport could accommodate up to 300 flights per day.
Using's cloud gives Empowered the flexibility to accommodate more students quickly and to keep costs down.
Economic models that fail to accommodate this reality are likely to meet their Waterloo in Africa.
Many in Congress also want the Fed to monetize government debt to accommodate deficit spending, designed to win votes.
FORBES: The Limits Of Monetary Policy Call For Moral, Sound Money
Green MSP Robin Harper said little had been done so far to accommodate those who would wish to walk and cycle to stations.
In order to accommodate all the people clamoring to watch the trial, proceedings were held in the Saal des Atlantiks, a dancehall popular for its swinging music, fashionably known as Stimmung und Schwung.
FORBES: So You Think You Wouldn't Be Bamboozled By Lothar Malskat's Art Forgeries? [Book Excerpt #2]
Third, to accommodate peak workloads, customers need to provision the transcoding capacity appropriately.
ENGADGET: Amazon wants to make your hi-res videos mobile-friendly with Elastic Transcoder
These marvelous crafts could sleep 12 people and accommodate up to 60 paddlers.
When Sunnylands officially opens, the Retreat will accommodate up to 28 guests in two guest wings and three cottages.
FORBES: Walter Annenberg's Sunnylands Estate To Become A 'Camp David West'