Congress created the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board as part of the Sarbanes-Oxley accounting reform law in 2002.
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, which regulates auditing firms, is asking whether long tenure might lead to complacency.
WSJ: The Intelligent Investor: One Cure for Accounting Shenanigans
The Senate bill would establish the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board to conduct regular inspections of public accounting firms.
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, or PCAOB, is negotiating with Beijing to allow information-sharing between U.S. and Chinese regulators.
WSJ: Jake Lynch: To Control Fraud, De-Control Chinese Capital
Veteran public servant and litigator Jim Doty took over the reins at the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) February 1, 2011.
FORBES: Auditors and Audit Reports: Is The Firm's "John Hancock" Enough?
PCAOB, I laid out changes to the Sarbanes-Oxley law that could be considered if the Court declared the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board unconstitutional.
FORBES: PCAOB Auditor Identification Proposal Signals Slow But Steady Reform
Congress granted too much independence to the independent accounting oversight board it created in the wake of the Enron fiasco, the Supreme Court ruled today.
The bureaucrats' side was showcased at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Public Company Accounting Oversight Board roundtable hearing last week on Sarbanes-Oxley's section 404.
The European version calls for an end to auditors' self-regulation, requiring individual countries to set up regulators similar to America's newish Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
One proposal, from Senators Jon Corzine and Christopher Dodd, is to look into creating a new oversight body akin to the quasi-governmental Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
Mandatory audit firm rotation was an old tune sung again by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, the audit industry regulator, beginning in August of 2011.
FORBES: Audit Firm Rotation: Maybe Make A Switch When The Government Takes Over
Congress is threatening to pass a bill creating a new Federal Accounting Oversight Board if FASB does not provide a change in fair value application by early April.
His botched handling of the appointment of a chairman to the new and vitally important accounting oversight board sealed his fate: Mr Pitt has resigned over the incident.
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, which regulates US audit firms, disclosed private portions of a Deloitte inspection report for 2007 that highlighted poor quality and administrative controls.
FORBES: Deloitte and Standard Chartered Bank: In Service To Profit Above All
In August of 2012, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, the US audit industry regulator, issued its first report on the auditors of broker-dealers under a pilot inspection program.
FORBES: All Talk: The SEC's Broken Broker-Dealer, Investment Advisor Examination Program
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), an independent agency of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) created by SOx, develops those auditing standards and regulates external auditors of public companies.
In addition, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, created as part of the same backlash against corporate fraud, has had to grant auditors more time to comply with requirements under Sarbanes-Oxley.
If Deloitte still refuses to respond, America's accounting regulator, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), could even decertify Deloitte's Chinese affiliate from signing financial statements for firms listed in America.
ECONOMIST: A dreadful choice: whether to annoy America or China
McDonough, a former executive of First Chicago, did a 10-year stint as head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York before becoming the first chairman of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, a U.S. regulatory entity overseeing the accounting profession, in 2003.
It is only one of nine accounting firms in the U.S. that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires to be inspected annually by the PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) because the firm audits over 100 companies that are traded on stock exchanges here in the United States (18 of them Chinese).
McDonough, a former executive of First Chicago, did a 10-year stint as head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (nyse: BK - news - people ) before becoming the first chairman of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, a U.S. regulatory entity overseeing the accounting profession, in 2003.
Bowsher is chairman of the Public Oversight Board, which oversees the accounting profession, but which is disbanding March 31.
In the name of "fairness, " preventing future Enrons, and increased oversight, Congress, the SEC and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have piled burdens onto the economy that put entrepreneurship at risk.
As described by the SEC, Dell's actions were failures of strategy, ethics and leadership resulting from slick behavior, questionable board oversight, a lack of robust public accounting oversight, and absence of meaningful penalties by the capital markets regulatory system.
The Public Oversight Board, which monitors the process, lacks independence from the accounting profession, which funds and staffs it, and has little ability to punish miscreant auditors.