Critics accuse the retail giant of destroying neighborhoods, exploiting its workers and discriminating against female employees.
Attorneys for the plaintiffs accuse government lawyers of using just about every delaying and stalling tactic available.
Some Pakistani politicians, however, accuse the U.S. of using drones to deliberately wreck such agreements.
Some will accuse me here of typically shallow American intellectual thinking or even religious bias.
You most certainly could accuse me of stereotyping in my thinking and you would be accurate.
You answer just enough so that no fair-minded person can accuse you of dodging the question.
Human rights groups accuse government forces of being behind hundreds of cases of missing people.
Some even accuse Liesel of vicariously reliving her mother Irene's acrimonious divorce from her father, Robert.
In that case, his conservative base will doubtless accuse him of flinching, like his dad.
I'll never accuse players of anything, they're trying their hardest, I feel really bad for them.
Two pending lawsuits also accuse the agency of racial profiling while conducting immigration patrols.
But with all the parties, banquets and karaoke, no one could accuse him of being lazy.
Obama's Republican adversaries were quick to accuse him of selling out allies to placate Russia.
The crofters' association went on to accuse the government of acting like an absentee landlord.
Democratic Party Chairman Terry McAuliffe went so far as to accuse the administration of a cover-up.
The Conservatives accuse Mr Brown of planning a "borrowing bombshell that will become a tax bombshell".
Activists accuse Congress of turning a blind eye to the killings and inciting mobs.
BBC: 1984 India riots: Congress leader Jagdish Tytler probed
Syrian rebels accuse Hezbollah of fighting alongside Assad's troops and attacking rebels from inside Lebanese territory.
Some will therefore accuse Mr Cable of taking the pressure off businesses on pay.
Critics accuse Zimmerman, who is Latino, of racially profiling and unjustly killing Martin, who was African-American.
Sudan and Chad regularly accuse one another of harboring and backing the other's rebels.
Critics of Hamas accuse it of increasingly imposing laws that reflect a conservative interpretation of Islam.
They are demanding electoral reforms and that the election commissioners they accuse of bias be removed.
Authorities accuse Magnotta of dismembering Lin and mailing his hand and foot to Canadian politicians.
But tongue-in-cheek prosecutors in Ohio's Butler County accuse the rodent of deliberately misleading the public.
And the rivals accuse Honeywell of trying to scare plane owners into ordering only Honeywell gear.
Simply denying the allegations and acting offended that anyone would accuse them is not acceptable.
Such assurances cut little ice with the locals, who accuse officials of underplaying the problem.
ECONOMIST: Tough landfill targets prompt a return to flaming rubbish
They also accuse the interior minister of authorizing security forces to use excessive force against protesters.
Want to accuse Facebook of mistreating its users in order to get their money?
FORBES: Facebook Hits Back at New York Times' Bilton Over Post-Suppression Claim