The actual test itself involves going into a vein in the leg.
Computer modeling allows today's auto engineers to precisely design vehicles, engines and transmissions, down to the smallest detail, for maximum strength without having to repeatedly build and test actual components over and over along the way, said Quinnell.
It appears none of the biggest magazine publishers in the U.S. have been allowed to use actual iPad devices to test their applications before launch, relying instead on Apple-supplied simulators.
WSJ: Advertisers Gather Around as Publishers Tout Bells and Whistles of Apple's iPad
His actual powers are to be put to the test on 3 May, when the futures of both Mr Piech and Volkswagen Group chief executive Bernd Pischetsrieder will be decided.
BBC: NEWS | Business | Unstoppable Porsche unveils fastest car yet
Factors that could cause actual results to differ include: in-orbit test or satellite failures, performance degradation, in-orbit risks and anomalies, or improper orbital placement of ViaSat-1.
ENGADGET: ViaSat-1 sends its first words through the stratosphere to cooing stateside relatives
The McLaren Group makes use of telemetry systems that utilize data generated by race car sensors in test and practice sessions as well as actual races.
Next week, they will order the spacecraft to unfold the telescope's 33-foot-long camera mast and test its array of 133 mirrors, then begin actual operations 23 days later.
There are all manner of business models that can work for TV content, and an actual Apple style App Store environment is the best way to test them all.
FORBES: Apple Predictions 2013: AppleTV, iTV And TV App Store
Brasil reports that the country will receive 50 test laptops from OLPC, making it the first nation to have actual, live, working models.
ENGADGET: OLPC Update: Brazil to get test machines, Thailand pulls out
LabDoor also focuses on healthy choices, seeking to chemically test common supplements such as vitamins and energy drinks, to determine their actual content.
The size of the awards against the News of the World will depend on the view taken by Sir Geoffrey Vos, a High Court judge, of the actual damage to hacking victims, as well as of the intrusion itself, when he hears test cases later this year.
ECONOMIST: The courts will decide the price of ending the affair
How well you do on the LSAT is a pretty good test of your abilities in that regard even though neither has much to do with the actual practice of law.
FORBES: Good News For Women's Second Best Earning Profession
This time around, there was so much hunger for a winner that Bush could actually hope to do something no one had ever managed before: sweep the money primary, the first big test of whom the insiders like, and pretty much coast through the ones that involve actual voters.
For online and blended courses, LearnSmart Labs offers the closest thing available to an actual physical laboratory experience, enabling students to put the concepts they have learned in class to the virtual test without requiring access to a brick-and-mortar lab.
ENGADGET: McGraw-Hill reveals the SmartBook: an 'adaptive' e-book for students
One catalyst driving the push is the proliferation of social media mining tools, which allow companies to test and tweak new go-to-market strategies in real time and without the need for an actual focus group.