Only when the shareholder actually sells his own shares is there a taxable event.
"The state of the art search-and-rescue robotics is actually quite limited, " he told the BBC.
We actually talked to an anesthesiologist who saw the movie and gave his review.
And yet the engine, that growling, fierce-sounding engine, is actually a veteran 4.2-litre straight-six from Jaguar.
Mr. FAIUMU: When we perform live, we don't actually have a live rhythm section.
Ms. SETZFAND: People actually look for information when there's a problem, when there's a pressure point.
How do we actually deal with this issue and how do we come through this.
One big change is actually a change back with regard to the inspection of food imports.
Actually, if it continues like this we'll have a problem - a big problem.
But this form of staph is actually starting to look like the flesh-eating bacteria.
There were roads that were actually closed because people were out in the streets celebrating.
Ms. CHANG: Well, women of color actually face a double disadvantage with respect to wealth.
Those types of things where employers actually help contribute oftentimes to people's retirement savings.
The euro's weakness, say the euro fans, actually helped the eurozone economy, boosting its export industry.
PCBs are actually not carcinogenic unless you repeatedly overdose a laboratory mouse with them.
Actually, by suggesting I think about death once a day, Ura was going easy on me.
But it was actually Paul Krugman, writing in the Jan. 19 New York Times.
Taxila is the place where the twain of East and West did actually meet.
It is actually lower than in Britain, as the New York Times noted last year.
Actually got an idea that, hey let's cooperate and try to get this thing right.
But at the end of the day, I've got to look at what actually happened.
Astonishingly, this was one of those rare times in history when group editing actually bettered a statement.
The bottom line: is anyone actually throwing the race card or is this just politics as usual?
Mr. FAIUMU: Well, I don't know if there's actually any sound, particularly in our music, that's derivative.
They're actually trying to figure out what they're going to do in terms of making ends meet.
And I think Gordon has the strength, the courage, the ideas, to actually deal with those issues.
And this is actually our second trailer FEMA has given us with the high levels of formaldehyde.
They actually have to fill potholes and trim trees and make sure the garbage is taken away.
You know those Atari controllers that let you play Atari games without actually having an Atari?
Mr. IRA RHINEGOLD (Executive Director, National Association of Consumer Advocates): I'm actually pretty appalled by the backlash.