• In general, add an extra 20% on to the amount of time you would ordinarily give to get from point to point.

    BBC: Navigating the London 2012 exodus

  • She wouldn't be allowed to impose surcharges selectively for example, on sodas, but not on sandwiches, or add a surcharge of any amount she pleases.

    WSJ: Small Businesses Confront 'Swipe Fee' Conundrum

  • But the more functions cell phone manufacturers add, the greater the amount of power the phones use and the less practical running them on lithium batteries becomes -- so the race to find a viable alternative is on.

    CNN: Search for better phone power

  • Good as they are, the English language home pages available in Japan add up to a mere drop in the ocean compared with the amount of information that is now on line in Japanese.

    ECONOMIST: Kanji and kana on the Internet

  • "We are excited to add three players who bring with them a tremendous amount of value to our team and have achieved incredible success on the pro, college and Olympic levels, " Wallace said in a statement Wednesday night.

    NPR: Rudy Gay Heads To Toronto In Grizzlies' Makeover

  • Naked short-selling can add extra downward momentum on a stock because without being forced to borrow the shares first, traders can short a limitless amount of stock.

    FORBES: Curbing Short-Selling Abuse

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