Add together the range of options and the desire to act quickly, and Congress's jobs package, much like the original stimulus, will probably end up as an ugly mishmash.
The point is that if you add together all debts - government debts, corporate debts, financial institution debts, and household debts - Spain is a much more indebted or leveraged country than Italy.
Add together the money already spent on rescues, to what is needed to recapitalise European banks and any potential losses to the ECB, and the total will still only be in the hundreds of billions of euros.
Add together those last two groups, and the number of Americans who actively sought the vaccine but were turned away for some reason is 8 percent of the total adult population, roughly the same number as the 7 percent who have been inoculated so far.
The two co-CEOs of RIMM are still billionaires (if you add them together at least).
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But add them together, and you find a nation rebuilding its constitutional skeleton from skull to toe.
Add them together and Littell expects the impact of all that additional oil to hit U.S. markets in a couple of months or so.
Add it together and families in the 33% tax bracket could see their effective marginal rate paid on each additional dollar earned rise to above 38%.
At the end of 2013, we will take the four best female golfers from every country in the world and add them together to get a country ranking.
Add em together and it spells disaster.
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Add all this together and it is hard for a free-trader not to worry.
Add the two together and you get a 32% premium to the company's current enterprise value.
Add these criticisms together and there is a clear case for reinvention, especially in macroeconomics.
When you add this all together, we now have negotiations founded upon low trust, irrationality, and displeasure.
King pointedly notes that the debt payments and military salaries together add up only to 15% of government revenue.
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Add it all together and you ought to have a surefire Hall-of-Famer, right?
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Under pooling rules, companies that are combining simply add their accounts together, making it impossible to discern the cost of the acquisition.
Add all these together, and there's not much of the surplus left.
Add these factors together and the outlook seems grim.
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If rates were raised high enough to restrain mortgage lending, they could also jeopardise the broader economy, especially since household and corporate debt together add up to as much as 200% of GDP.
If we add all of them together, we can see why things seem better than before.
Together they add a valuable layer to the existing internet stack of technologies.
Those measures together would add perhaps 0.5% of GDP to the deficit, partly offsetting the squeeze on current spending.
Each individual bank fee may seem small, but taken together they add up.
Some, for example, will add the two mortgages together and then compare that total borrowing to your income and expenditure.
Add all those possibilities together and you get a probability that this latest attempt to bring peace to Northern Ireland will fail.
If you add all those things together you get the garden village.
BBC: Rhiwbina garden village in Cardiff celebrates centenary