Here's the bad news: As a group, children with ADHD don't do as well in school and have more behavioral and emotional problems through the years than do children without ADHD regardless of how much treatment they get.
Its lead drug, modafinal, is a widely used treatment for excessive sleepiness that is also awaiting approval for treating ADHD in children.
Guanfacine is used to treat both ADHD in children and hypertension in adults, and is also used to treat anxiety and other psychological disorders.
They feel the Swedish findings are applicable to the UK and much of Western Europe where rates of ADHD in children and the medication prescribed are broadly similar.
That is, children with ADHD who receive treatment with Adderall or one of the other psychostimulants do better in multiple areas of their lives than do children with ADHD who don't receive treatment.
The short answer is that most studies find treatment with medications like Adderall to have good long-term effects on children with ADHD.
While ADHD medications can help children who have it, the treatment can have side effects and may affect sleep, appetite, and growth, the researchers note.
CNN: Youngest kids in class more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD
In general, treatment provides long-term benefit, but it's not perfect, and most children with ADHD continue to struggle into their teen years, compared with their peers without ADHD.
Psychiatrists estimate that about 3% to 7% of school children have ADHD, but the actual diagnosis rates may be higher, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
CNN: Youngest kids in class more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD
However, I have two children with ADHD, and I failed to see the benefit of a drug that would wear off right at suppertime, rather than a few hours before or a few hours after.
Both of these studies -- which inspired the CSPI's petition to the FDA -- marked a departure from previous research in that they looked at children without ADHD who were not suspected of being sensitive to food additives.
Originally developed as a technique to measure brain activity in NASA pilots during flight simulation exercises, neurofeedback has shown promising initial results for helping retrain the brainwaves of children with ADHD and autism and people suffering from chronic migraines.
Researchers from the MRC's Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, in Cambridge, found some children with ADHD, who had no brain damage and perfectly normal intelligence, showed left neglect as severe as that seen in some adults with substantial damage to the right side of the brain.
Testimony to the FDA panel on which Nissen served noted that 2.5 million children take medicines for ADHD, including almost 10% of ten-year-old boys.
"The study points out that slipshod diagnosis can be a problem, and if you're getting diagnosed with ADD just because you're immature compared to your peer group, then that's not good, " says Dr. Edward Hallowell, a psychiatrist with offices in New York City and Sudbury, Massachusetts, who specializes in treating children and adults with ADHD.
CNN: Youngest kids in class more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD
In the UK 3% of children have a diagnosis of ADHD, with half of them continuing to have the condition in adult life.
Nearly one in 10 U.S. children has a diagnosis of ADHD, according to a 2010 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"It's very difficult for children to get a full evaluation for ADHD, " he says.
CNN: Youngest kids in class more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD
Just over 10 percent of the children in the study were diagnosed with ADHD.
Small trials on selected groups of children with disorders such as dyslexia and ADHD have shown mixed results, with small improvements seen in some participants but not others.
This applies to interventions with children and youth suffering from common disorders, such as ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression as well (Miller, Varhely, and Wampold, 2008).
In general, current recommendations are that all children -- regardless of whether or not they have ADHD -- eat a balanced diet heavy on fruits and vegetables and low on fatty junk food.
Most children with MND had abnormal muscle tone and posture, an indicator of nervous-system dysfunction in young children, which is linked to learning and behavioral disorders such as ADHD, researchers said.
This latest study asked parents and teachers of healthy Nottingham children to assess how much they ran around or fidgeted - potential indications of ADHD.
The negative impact is greater for those with undeveloped or impaired cognitive control, such as children and older adults, and is exacerbated by the presence of neurological or psychiatric conditions like ADHD or Alzheimer's disease.
Dr. James Perrin, the director of the division of general pediatrics at the Mass General Hospital for Children in Boston, says it takes more than one doctor's visit to get an ADHD diagnosis right. (Perrin helped write guidelines for diagnosing ADHD in general practice or family practice settings, which were published in 2000, but did not participate in Garland's study).
CNN: Youngest kids in class more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD