After selecting the standalone speaker within the Music player's menu settings, our chosen track began playing immediately, allowing us to adjust volume and control playback from the handset.
From a single lamp to all the lighting in your entire house, you can control and adjust the color, shade and brightness.
Today's release gives video creators the ability to add a new soundtrack to their already uploaded video, adjust the existing audio levels, and control the start and end-point of the song.
ENGADGET: Vimeo provides the soundtrack of our lives with new tools
On the LEV-96, you'll find touch-based control sliders, which let the player adjust intensity, harmonics and note duration.
ENGADGET: Moog shows off LEV-96 sensoriactuator prototype on an acoustic guitar
Buttons set into the elegant metal casing allow you to adjust the volume, select music titles, take phone calls and activate voice control or personal assistant features.
ENGADGET: Sennheiser launches the Momentum retro-cans and CX890i earbuds
The iA Plus mode lets users adjust the defocusing area in the background, exposure compensation and white balance for more flexible control.
ENGADGET: Panasonic Lumix GF6 announced for the US, shipping in June for $600
This can be used not only to adjust the volume and select tracks, but also to take phone calls and activate the voice control or personal assistant features.
ENGADGET: Sennheiser launches the Momentum retro-cans and CX890i earbuds
The separate volume control for the aux port is quite nice and allows the user to adjust levels of the amp and the accompanying track independently to keep things just so.
An NX-like smart UI mode enables instant access to key settings, as do the dual control dials, which let you adjust shooting modes (on the right) and capture speed (on the left).
ENGADGET: Samsung EX2F point-and-shoot with f/1.4 lens hands-on (video)
Since it reacts to input from its electronic stability control, it can even take into account wheel slippage in wet weather and adjust accordingly.
The camera also features full manual control options and an intuitive user interface, making it easy for photographers to adjust all settings quickly and easily.
The computer-control system can then apply the brake on the wheel concerned, and even adjust the amount of engine torque sent to that wheel, so that skidding is prevented.
The current 3D camera module developed by Sharp incorporates functions to process the image data output by the left and right cameras, including Color Synchronizing Processing to adjust color and brightness, Timing Synchronizing Processing to synchronize the timing of the video signals, and Optical Axis Control Processing to correct positioning.
ENGADGET: Sharp busts out world's first 3D HD camera for mobile devices
Market action is ultimately out of your control but as investors we can learn how much short- term volatility we can live with and adjust our portfolios accordingly.
Using a force control system reacting to the pressure on the feet, HyQ can navigate and traverse irregular surfaces and adjust its pace to overcome obstacles of different sizes and shapes.