The shoes are low heeled pumps embroidered with silver thread and adorned with topaz.
The base XKR is adorned with a slick 5.0 liter V8 engine that produces 510 hp.
These tend to be well-adorned with indigenous decorations and the owners warmly greet guests.
The shot seemed to depict the window of a home, adorned with a wreath and lights.
GIs and some of the few civilians remaining in the town adorned the site with flowers.
The sunny patio is adorned with industrial art including massive, rusty metal sculptures of gears, screws, nuts and bolts.
The village church, in which William Strickland is buried, is adorned with images of turkeys.
BBC: William Strickland: The man who gave us the turkey dinner
"Fertility, " a Munch pastoral scene that adorned a 2010 Christie's catalog cover, failed to sell at all.
It only has room for 34 people and is adorned with the writer's rifle and other memorabilia.
Initiates dress in ragged coats adorned with red bean necklaces and a large quantity of miscellaneous items.
The 29ers and some of the few civilians remaining in the city adorned the site with flowers.
The estate also includes a cascade and fountain, adorned with a bronze sculpture of Neptune from Saint Ouen.
Another notebook for sale is adorned with illustrations of soldiers from various countries involved in World War II.
The walls in that room are adorned with wreaths crafted by volunteers using red, white and blue yarn.
WHITEHOUSE: Holidays at the White House 2012: The Gold Star Family Tree
My Mom, Mensa smart, Phi Beta Kappa, rigorously logical, tough minded, sparingly adorned.
FORBES: My Aunt, Olive June Black, An Ohio Original -- In Memoriam
On the big day she wore a pale rose-coloured dress adorned with a huge bow on her left shoulder.
In 2007, she marched in a parade in Dublin, and recalled wearing stickers adorned with pink triangles and shamrocks.
One woman protestor had adorned herself with the word "biodiversity" in body paint.
He had the minitower adorned with iridescent paint and a laser-cut, backlit design.
Angry Birds continues the conversation on Facebook, where you can send someone a Valentine adorned with birds and pigs.
FORBES: The One Thing That's Really Holding Back the App Economy
The walls, adorned with photographs of the musicians who have played here, demonstrate the heritage of its musical credentials.
Surfaces adorned with fancy moldings and other ornamentation were replaced with glass walls.
Her daughter is more richly adorned, with an amethyst earring and pearl-laced hair.
Numerous buildings are adorned with murals and a sun on a red and black background -- the markings of the Aboriginal flag.
Women wave from street stalls adorned with pictures stolen from the pages of Lonely Planet, the popular backpacker guide.
The state flag and seal is adorned with a pelican, the state bird.
FORBES: When New Orleans Becomes the Pelicans, Charlotte Should not Revert Back to Hornets name
Princess Lilian remained active in public life until her early 90s, attending the Nobel Prize ceremonies adorned in royal jewels.
The marbles, ancient sculptures which once adorned the Parthenon in Athens, have been held in the British Museum since 1811.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Marbles exhibition opens in London
"I got some good insider tips from him, " Dozier-McKee said from under a black, wide-brimmed hat adorned with a feather.
The white-painted interior was adorned with three ornate chandeliers and a series of simple paintings illustrating the life of Christ.