With this in mind, adaptation to the adverse impacts of climate change will be critical.
There are limits to how many we can turn off at any given time without having adverse impacts on productivity.
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Given that some large-scale experiments could bring adverse impacts, how are they to be overseen - even if it's agreed that they should happen?
They also provide plans for mitigation of the adverse impacts.
The administration also has warned of long lines at airports as security personnel are furloughed, of teacher layoffs in some classrooms and adverse impacts on maintenance at the nation's parks.
Third, the industry needs to continue to make good faith efforts to reduce adverse impacts across the board, in terms of water pollution, health and safety, noise, erosion, road damage and so on.
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Sir Nicholas Stern estimates that the average per capita carbon footprint will need to be reduced to 2 tonnes per person (with an expected population of 9 billion people in 2050) for us to limit the adverse impacts of climate change.
The bans stem from local residents' concerns about potential adverse impacts if the state lifts its 5-year-old moratorium on gas drilling using high-volume hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, which frees gas from deep shale deposits by injecting wells with chemical-laced water at high pressure.
Immigration minister Damian Green said he had decided to extend the restrictions as he wanted to ensure migration from those countries delivered economic benefits to the UK and that he did not want migration to have adverse impacts on the domestic labour force.
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However, planning officers recommended refusal, saying the benefits of the development were outweighed by the "significant adverse landscape impacts".
The bill includes massive new spending, plus the taxes could pay down only a small portion of the deficit while risking adverse economic impacts.
The system would use satellite communications, robotics and other cutting-edge technologies to produce millions of sushi-quality fish from each pen with no adverse environmental impacts.
Global warming is the consequence of consuming fossil fuels to drive economic growth for more than a century without considering the adverse environmental impacts of doing so.
In March, the EPA released new emissions standards that would require many coal-fired power plants to install scrubbers and other technologies to reduce emissions of arsenic, chromium, nickel and acid gases, which research has linked with adverse health impacts especially on children and toddlers.
In order to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impacts, and to account for their performance, business enterprises should carry out human rights due diligence.
Increased sales of strategic services helped mitigate lower revenues resulting from global economic impacts, including the adverse effects of foreign exchange rates compared with last year.
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It was highlighted during the debate that adverse weather conditions during the winter months impacts on a range of public services, from the health service to transport infrastructure.