No, not some group of oddities who proclaimed themselves but an actual, real, government advisory body.
The UK government's official drugs advisory body has rejected calls to ban the herbal stimulant khat.
It serves as an advisory body to the Ditch government, KNAW does not have an OA mandate.
This forum of experts would serve as an advisory body to guide U.S. export control and decontrol efforts.
The Convention is accompanied by a Scientific and Technical Advisory Body, which is available to advise the States Parties.
At their 2012 summit in Kampala ( Uganda), COMESA heads of state approved the creation of the expert advisory body.
FORBES: Trading Places: Commerce Drives Science And Technology In Africa
And on Sunday, the Arab Parliament, an advisory body to the league, said the observers should be withdrawn because of the continuing violence.
After being sacked via e-mail by Mr Johnson, Prof Nutt predicted there would be further resignations from the government advisory body that he headed.
This assertion, which the High Court has now dismissed, is both inappropriate and inconsistent with the nature of the function of this advisory body.
Mr Pollock would prefer to see the task go to an independent advisory body, manned by economic heavyweights to provide institutional memory of past crises.
According to the advisory body Waste and Resources Action Programme, households can end up binning up to a quarter of their weekly food and drink purchases.
He asked why the government was ignoring the advice of English Nature, an official advisory body, about the need for a moratorium on genetically modified crops.
Announcing the appointments, the Vatican said the pontiff had got the idea of forming the advisory body from meetings ahead of his election by cardinals last month.
The plan, currently in draft form, would involve the creation of a pan-EU advisory body that would take over many tasks that currently reside with national regulators.
Marjorie Wallace, Chief Executive of the mental health charity Sane, said she hoped the advisory body would consider "mounting research linking cannabis to the increase in drug-induced psychosis".
Diesel exhaust emissions from lorries, which contain concentrations of particulates, are responsible for many of the 9, 000 deaths a year attributed to particulate emissions by the government's expert advisory body.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is the advisory body that assesses the nomination of natural sites and its evaluations are used by Committee for its decisions.
Because it is only an advisory body, the fear was that companies would appeal to the law if their takeover plans were blocked, tying up matters in the courts for years.
Together, we appeal to you to seize the opportunity to revive our great regional museums, which is offered by the government's museums advisory body, Resource, in its report Renaissance in the Regions.
The Sami Parliament is an advisory body without any decision-making power, and Mr Hivano sees that as a failing which is rapidly approaching crisis point in the dispute over the planned gold mine at Pasvik.
In Malaysia, the government's economic advisory body, the National Economic Aid Council, said Calpers was a relatively new investor in the region, and might not have complete insight into the value of emerging markets in East Asia.
Beijing Times says the annual "two sessions" of the NPC and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), a national advisory body, next week will cut back on conference expenses and require senior delegates to take coaches rather than private cars.
For the realization of the aims of the Organisation, the Commission acts as an advisory body to the Government, cooperates with the responsible Ministries and state services, as well as with semi-governmental and non-governmental Organisations, Institutions, Corporations and other bodies whose activities are related to those of UNESCO.
Given that transitional controls were ending in eight other countries as well as the UK , he said the number of people who might opt to come to the UK could not be forecast with "any degree of accuracy" and the government's advisory body on immigration had recommended against it.
UNESCO, as a member of the advisory body of this project that is funded by the European Commission and as a leading United Nations agency in bioethics, will host this meeting that comes in the light of the international reflection on the ethical principles that should guide science and technology development.
UNESCO: House | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Obama also does even more to empower the Independent Payment Advisory Board, a controversial body created in the Affordable Care Act that will inevitably act as a brake on American medical innovation.
But at the end of the day, what really defines Shariah-compliant financial activities from those that are not Shariah-compliant is that somebody - some authority, some Shariah scholar who sits on advisory board - tells the investing body - the financial house, whatever - that's compliant.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Frank Gaffney: Jihad by other means
Inscription on the Register is determined by the International Advisory Committee (IAC), a body of 14 leading specialists appointed by the Director-General.
It will be launched at the joint annual conference of industry advisory group Construction Scotland and building standards body BRE Scotland in Glasgow.
For example, he said staff of BP's new Safety and Operational Risk organisation, set up by Mr Hayward's successor Bob Dudley in 2011, now had the authority to order that an operation be stopped, when the previous safety body had more of an advisory role.