The next step is for the nations signing up to the accord to do so, and to affix to it any commitments they are making, which is due to happen by February 1st.
For example, you could write an app that uses the stickers as triggers -- apparently one museum plans to affix the device to art, so as visitors approach, a text notification will pop up describing the piece.
That's why we have heard our chief executives affix it to everything from energy to housing and educational test scores.
Too many Americans affix themselves to the government axle like bicycle spokes.
FORBES: If On The Dole Why Do You Still Get To Go To The Poll?
The current system relies on business owners buying BlingTags and distributing them to customers, who then affix the stickers to their phones.
FORBES: Bling Nation Prepares National Rollout Of Mobile Payments, Handset Partnerships
Also, in a fascinating trend, the survey found that for those who want to affix their own label, the first preference is tied to an individual's country of origin or that of their parents.
Why not just write things on a blank piece of paper and affix a stamp to it?
The five former Binder employees said that once Binder collects the additional medical records, employees affix colored stickers to the documents.
It???s usually best to use the incident of a specific leak as a jumping-off point for discussions on how to prevent future recurrences, rather than trying to affix blame for the leak that???s already occurred.
So what Christy talked about in this answer was there are -- and I think what any economist -- I'm sure there are many on your network that would tell you it's likely the next time this board meets that they'll affix a date to the end of a recession from a statistical economic viewpoint that they're charged to do.
The Ballot Act of 1872 states that "the presiding officer of each station, as soon as is practicable after the close of poll, shall, in the presence of the agents of the candidates, make up (the ballot boxes) into separate packages sealed with his own seal and the seals of such agents of the candidates as desire to affix their seals".
When it comes time to install, she gathers up a team of friends and local volunteers to cut and affix the knitwork.
WSJ: Magda Sayeg, Turning Knitting Into a Public Art | Creating
Using various aliases, he then went to Citibank and Wachovia and asked that bank officers affix medallions guaranteeing his signature on three separate transfer documents.