But planners advised Telford and Wrekin Council to pass the plans as too few affordable houses have been built in Newport.
Some are traditional urban cores such as New York and some are suburban edge cities that offer jobs along with affordable houses and short commutes.
The number of affordable houses being built for those requiring subsidised housing has failed to keep pace with demand and is currently lower than it was a decade ago.
Councillor Phillip Vogel, portfolio holder for housing at Teignbridge District Council, said the council was planning to build 2, 600 "affordable" houses over the next 20 years.
We need to be building new roads and making houses affordable for people.
But when rates rise, prices must fall for houses to remain affordable.
Mr. Kung and I talked in the airy, all-white Museum of Tomorrow cafe of URS 21 Chung Shan Creative Hub, a former tobacco warehouse that now houses a gallery and affordable studios for young fashion designers.
Yet Nelson also estimates that in 2025 there will be a surplus of 22 million large-lot homes that will not be left vacant in a suburban wasteland but instead occupied by lower classes who have been driven out of their once affordable inner-city apartments and houses.
CNN: Is America's suburban dream collapsing into a nightmare?
Oast houses in Sussex were sometimes more affordable, partly because the school system is slightly less acclaimed.
For those who are not yet homeowners, how is it populism when recovery makes houses more expensive rather than more affordable?
FORBES: How Is Federal Housing Policy Populist When Prices Are Rising?
When they were built, the beautiful houses of Stamford were really quite affordable and they served all sorts of people in the community, not just the rich landed earls.
Mr Jones wants to buy up to 10% of the houses over five years and replace them with affordable housing for low income families.
Planning officers for the Conservative-controlled council said the development should contain 36 affordable homes ranging from one-bedroom bungalows to four-bedroom houses.
Houses in Sydney and Melbourne, for example, are now less affordable than in London or San Francisco.
The number of affordable homes was down, but there was a rise in newly-built council houses.