The idea is so simple that professional economists, politicians and pundits are afraid of it.
Congress is afraid of their boss. (We, the people.) They worry about getting fired.
FORBES: Congress Motivated By Fear, Incompetence... Just Like Big Business!
OK, so I'd like to say that I've never really been afraid of snakes.
This same fallacy is what causes some people to be afraid of flying on an airplane.
This includes militias afraid of losing power and political infighting within the congress itself, she adds.
People are not only afraid of being audited, they're afraid of saying they were audited.
The second explanation for General Musharraf's half-measures is that he is afraid of the extremist groups.
Maybe young women are afraid of being rejected, but they have to toughen up.
Possibly because they were afraid of where the trail would lead if they looked too closely.
She's afraid of leaving the house for fear of being bombarded by people, the friend said.
They would write notes to me because they were afraid of being eavesdropped on.
Low-skilled workers are just as afraid of those from Mexico, Guatemala or El Salvador.
Yusran says he's no longer afraid of the water, as he was immediately after the tsunami.
Is it just me or are you suddenly very afraid of the state of Minnesota?
There are things in this world to be afraid of, and criticalities are among them.
FORBES: Reinhart and Rogoff; and The Dangers of Tipping Points, Real and Otherwise
We shuffled up the stairs toward the revolving doors slowly, afraid of what awaited us inside.
No country in the area is afraid of Ecuador, says Frechette, the former U.S. ambassador.
But if I'm not worried about the Y2K bug, I'm deathly afraid of Y2K hysteria.
If we had done something wrong we would have been afraid of it coming out.
Of course there is no escaping that there are valid things to be afraid of.
FORBES: Know What to Fear: Where are you misplacing your fear?
But because the bosses are afraid of being left behind, they all do it.
That is, he may hope to be CEO but be afraid of taking risks.
FORBES: What a Famous Character Actor Can Teach You about Coaching Your Employees
Because she was afraid of her black relatives showing up and exposing their secret.
The majors remain afraid of the pressures and the embarrassment of a Macondo type situation.
Branson is keenly afraid of failure--because it would tarnish his image as a marketing Midas.
Blue Nile is fed up with mamby pamby men who are afraid of commitment.
The Russians are afraid of us because we really know how to do business.
Officials seem very afraid of a Lehman-style contagion event, and they want to avoid a crash.
Exxon was afraid of the high pressures and temperatures it was encountering down hole.
And that makes you afraid of leaving your comfort zone there on the treadmill.