As she puts it, she is supporting the tradition of African American classical music.
It really demonstrated that he is much more than an African American film maker.
African-American men certainly could use an intervention from the most successful African-American man in history.
The same extends to her colleague Julianne Malveaux, from African American Women for Reproductive Freedom.
For instance, African American-owned firms are growing at three times the rate of business overall.
WHITEHOUSE: Blog Posts Related to the African American Community
She was the first African American elected to Florida statewide office, according to her official biography.
Viewership among both Hispanic and African American populations is 74% below the national average.
Voter Brevard McCullough says there's no way African American voters will go Republican in November.
The first African American Justice on the North Carolina Supreme Court was an Aggie.
He is the first African American to be nominated and win a Best Actor Academy Award.
By Hindu temples, and mainline Protestants, Catholic Relief Services, African American churches, the United Sikhs.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at National Prayer Breakfast
The unemployment rate in the African American community has always historically been higher than the norm.
Copeland is the only highly placed African American woman in ballet in the city.
We have the first African American woman to serve as Chief Nurse at Walter Reed Hospital.
Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard, and his father.
Yet no one would infer from this that Romney did unusually well with African American voters.
"42" tells the story of Jackie Robinson, the very first African American to play major league baseball.
In 2009, 8.6 percent of NASCAR fans were African American, up from 7.6 percent in 2005.
The congressman walked beside veteran African American politicians from the city, including circuit court clerk Frank Conaway.
In the linked article, we talk about fashion brands as they relate to the African American community.
Sidney Poitier presented Harry Belafonte with the Spingarn Award, which honors outstanding achievement by an African American.
He attended Harvard Law School in 1991 and became the first-African American president of the school's law review.
These politicians wanted to see African American and Hispanic managers hired, particularly such firms located within the state.
FORBES: The Politics of Minority or Emerging Manager Programs (August 2, 2004 )
What Kilson fails to grasp is that the hip hop community has become a dominant African American institution.
We've given additional dollars to some schools, predominantly Latino and African American, where the dropout rate is sky-high.
And once we resurrect these genealogies, all African American history textbooks are going to have to be rewritten.
Several decades ago, an African American woman in Baltimore (the South, recall) was being treated for cervical cancer.
The African American unemployment rate was already much higher, the incomes and wealth of African American families already lower.
"Don't accept this feeble apology, " said City Council Member Charles Barron, an African American who called the costume racist.
South Carolina's Democratic primary is nearly two weeks away, and more than half of the electorate is expected to be African American.