Aberdeen's schools were re-opening after two in-service days, leading to busier rush-hour traffic in the snow.
Products are now launched on a worldwide market pretty much simultaneously, and customers expect after-sales service.
Experts have also highlighted problems with other contracts, in particular with after-sales service and spare parts.
As newcomers in the handset business, the Chinese are still learning about after-sales service.
Poor after-sales service meant attempts to rectify problems with the work hit a brick wall, he added.
Kelon's Rongsheng ("pleasant music") model soon became one of China's top brands, renowned for reliability and after-sales service.
Chinese car makers still lag their foreign competitors in providing such after-sales service.
WSJ: Business Asia: Changing Rules of the Road for China's Auto Industry
DMG's Mr Gurley points out, customers like to know that the manufacturer or retailer has proof of the purchase, if only to make after-sales service easier.
That could explain why successful consumer electronics companies like Apple and Google limit outsourcing to manufacturing, keeping product design, branding and marketing, and after-sales service in-house.
FORBES: How Hewlett-Packard And Dell Destroyed Their PC Advantage ... Piece-By-Piece
"We take after-sale service very seriously and give the same attention to quality end results and client satisfaction as any service experience, " a spokeswoman wrote in an email.
Its two high street stores have helped fund work which includes support for elderly people living in poverty, emergency grants, welfare rights advice and a hospital after-care service.
BBC: Age Concern Cardiff and Vale closes both charity stores
They should also provide after-sales service, listen to complaints, and never try to hide behind illegal disclaimers that suggest there are "no refunds" or the car is "sold as seen".
Another problem is that the foreign companies can't match the after-sales service offered by the local giants, as agreed by a Korean couple I spoke to at a Starbucks in Hong Kong.
ENGADGET: Editorial: HTC's departure from South Korea proves a tough fight for foreign brands
The agreement called for IBM to sell--rather than exclusively lease--its equipment, to create a subsidiary for after-sale service and to limit itself to producing no more than half of the country's punch cards.
Regardless, Beidou could be well on its way to become the new Xiaomi (sans the software part), though only time can tell whether it has the reliability and after-sale service to prove it.
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"HTC is committed to providing the best and most personal customer experience in the mobile industry, from designing great products to delivering superior after-sales service and support, " said Simon Harper, VP of global customer experience at HTC.
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The A380, the superjumbo from Boeing's arch-rival Airbus, has had its own travails, both pre-certification, when the whole wiring infrastructure was called into question, and after service-entry when cracks were discovered in wing ribs.
Dannijo started posting photos after its customer-service representatives said they had received phone calls from people who described jewelry they had seen on Instagram.
PC-banking service, after a trial of nearly two-and-a-half years.
Her cortege is likely to process through Loughton - near her home - after a church service, he said.
Eventually, RushmoreDrive--named after the service's Charlotte, N.
Three others caught up in the scandal--former HP ethics chief Kevin Hunsacker and private detectives Ronald DeLia and Mathew Depante--will face 96 hours of community service after they pleaded no-contest to misdemeanor charges of fraudulent wire communications.
Jonathan Heawood, the founder of Wilkes, a new, non-profit parliamentary reporting service (named after a great journalist-politician of the 18th century) worries that it, too, might struggle to surmount the regulator's high hurdles.
Queen Victoria is due to re-enter service after repairs in Bremerhaven, Germany on Wednesday 17 October.
Gox, a Tokyo-based exchange that handles roughly 80% of Bitcoin trading, recently shut down briefly after a denial-of-service attack.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview With Gavin Andresen: Bitcoin vs. Ben Bernanke
Until recently, many kept their weapons even after completing their military service - though rules on this have recently been tightened.
Ms. Hesseltine got the idea for using touch-screen technology to eliminate most or all of her minimum-wage customer-service staff after seeing a nearby juice business do something similar.
WSJ: As Wages Rise, Firms Consider Replacing Workers With Devices
Google has not yet announced an official Google Maps iOS app, but many suspect it will, just as it did for YouTube after Apple removed the video-service's baked-in app.