The Scottish government has already said it would like the minimum voting age to be 16.
BBC: Scottish independence: Teaching union backs votes at 16
The age profile of the audience was far more mixed than I had expected.
Middle age - those two healthy decades after the babies stop - is very real.
The researchers believe a person's immunological parameters could provide an indication of their true biological age.
An evening here will bring you right back to that gilded age of movie going.
Born in Alexandria, Egypt, he moved to Israel with his family at age 12.
And the upper age limit should rise from 39 to 42 in England and Wales.
BBC: IVF should be given sooner and to older women, says NICE
Now at the grizzled old age of 27, Kweller has a new album, Changing Horses.
Note the brass cigar holders for Parliamentary deputies on the window-ledge, from a more tobacco-friendly age.
One way to track down age 55-plus service opportunities is to go to
It dreamed up the Walkman, but Apple created the Walkman of the digital-download age, the iPod.
In fact, the only thing she mentions is that her children are school grade age.
When you're my age, a remark like that could land you in an old folk's home.
In France, for children under the age of four, the ratio is one to eight.
Some American parents are reconsidering the age at which they toilet train their children.
This illustrates an age-old, auto industry balancing act: new-and-improved versus tried-and-true.
Marine Lt Col Brennan Byrne has told AP that most of the dead are "military-age men".
In an age of mass production, it is a delight to visit these family-owned wineries.
Now, at age 51, Crump is overhauling the Eden Prairie, Minnesota company he started in 1988.
Longevity is at its highest, and effective health care has made old age more active and enjoyable.
Bascule offers whisky tastings, starting at 175 rand and priced according to the age of the whisky.
And musicians come to hear the age-old songs with fifteen-syllable lines and themes of migration and survival.
Shortly after acquiring the tower at the age of 51, Yeats married Georgie Hyde-Lees, a 25-year-old Englishwoman.
Considering its age, the underground city is in excellent condition and is accessible today via numerous tours.
And with that gift, she moved to New York and to Harlem at the age of 14.
Smerconish became a radio and television commentator after experiences he had at an early age in Republican politics.
In a conquest that typifies the age, Home Depot recently knocked Sears off the Dow Jones industrial average.
He returned to New York and, in 1935, at age 51, became director of the Natural History Museum.
Regardless of age, though, there are certain transgenerational reasons men and women decide to dedicate time to volunteering.
Paul Harvey, who died recently at age 90, was to radio what Norman Rockwell was to visual arts.