• Delmer talked about Agent Orange, the defoliant that rained down on the jungle from U.S. planes.

    CNN: A daughter faces demons of father's war

  • American ex-servicemen exposed to Agent Orange have mounted a successful case against Dow Chemical and Monsanto, the companies that made it.

    ECONOMIST: Vietnam: A killer still | The

  • He says learned he had chemical diabetes nearly 10 years ago after he was exposed to Agent Orange during his Vietnam tours.

    CNN: Veteran to soldiers: 'It's OK to be scared'

  • At Dow Chemical, someone censored details about the company's birth-defect-inducing Agent Orange.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • We have taken steps to help veterans exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam and those who suffer from a range of ailments related to their service in the first Gulf War.

    WHITEHOUSE: An Obligation to Those Who Serve

  • Mr Parra thinks this may reflect Dow's memory of the way the American government left it to pick up the legal fallout from the use of the notorious Agent Orange defoliant during the Vietnam war.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia

  • He just briefly ran through some of the themes, from a growing trade relationship to the joint search for Americans missing in Vietnam and the long-term effects of America's use of the defoliant Agent Orange in the war.

    NPR: Bush, Triet Talk Trade, Human Rights

  • "In a program as large as this, you will get claims that are suspicious, " said Mr. Feinberg, who has also overseen programs that compensate victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and Vietnam War veterans injured by Agent Orange.

    WSJ: BP Faults Deepwater Spill Claims Overseer

  • During the Reagan Administration, he served for a year as the number-two official at the Veterans Administration, but departed when the agency head sought to cut veteran benefits and downplayed the dangers of exposure to Agent Orange (a herbicide used extensively by U.S. forces in Indochina).

    FORBES: Why Republicans Should Welcome Chuck Hagel To The Pentagon's Top Job

  • Last year, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs decided that the link between air-borne dioxin (an ingredient in Agent Orange, and also a common air-borne pollutant emitted by waste incineration, some chemical manufacturing processes, cars and trucks, and other industrial sources that burn fuel) and diabetes was so strong, it compensated 270, 000 veterans for diabetes linked to dioxin exposure.

    FORBES: Two New Reasons to Worry about Air Pollution: Obesity and Diabetes

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