Just as people lived on farms when the country was agricultural, and moved to cities during industrialisation, the natural home for Britain's new economic order seems to be the suburbs.
The majority of the children and adults who got the new strain were attending country or agricultural fairs, which is where they came in contact with pigs (the other pig-to-human transmissions occurred in farmers or veterinarians).
But land reform alone cannot redress all the shortcomings of the country's agricultural and social policies.
The fear is that the country's agricultural sector will be hurt by reduced tariffs on farm products.
This often throws them into debt and threatens to cede control of a country's agricultural system to foreign GMO manufacturers.
The Norwegian government has responded to the crisis by reducing tariffs on milk product imports, the country's agricultural authorities said.
Unlike many revolutionaries, he has seen his ideas put into practice: of moving the country away from agricultural products and tin-mining to industry.
Ox-drawn ploughs still power farming in much of the country, meaning agricultural output of rice, beans and other staples could grow immensely through mechanization.
During National Farm-City Week, we celebrate the bounty of America, and we honor the commitment of those who grow, harvest, and deliver agricultural goods to feed our country and grow our economy.
To date, Houghton and Scotto have successfully worked with 130 villages in the Bombali and Tonkolili districts of the country and developed agricultural collection points and routing mechanisms, which will ensure that Africa Felix Juice always has a fresh fruit supply on hand.
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Once, donkeys were the tractors and ATVs of country life, performing agricultural and mercantile tasks integral to farming and commerce.
Even for a country like Brazil, agricultural trade barriers pose less of an obstacle to progress than barriers to trade in manufactured goods.
Some agricultural experts also argue that the outside world's relentless focus on developing agricultural exports is perverse in a country that has long been a net food importer and whose people suffer from widespread nutrition deficiencies.
These are important agricultural pests and often arrive in the country as hard-to-identify larvae, or eggs, on fruit.
The economy spiraled into ruin as the country's once strong agricultural sector collapsed.
Many main roads are in ruins, bridges and dykes have collapsed and some of the country's most productive agricultural areas have become marshland.
The region depends heavily on the ferry to sell its agricultural produce to the rest of the country, from which it is isolated because of its geographical situation, south of the Gambia.
These topics were chosen because of their importance for agricultural economic growth in Rural America and Indian Country.
The country is fast becoming to such agricultural commodities as soyabeans what Saudi Arabia is to oil: a swing producer, whose decisions can sway the world market.
Estrada pledges to focus on the country's inefficient and chronically neglected agricultural sector, which last year suffered its worst drought in 30 years.
The seizure of white farms in Zimbabwe is widely believed to have exacerbated the country's food crisis, causing agricultural upheaval at an already difficult time.
It was a victory of sorts for coffee-growing families, but it did not bode well for foreign agricultural firms contemplating much-needed investments in the country.
He visits a Russian farm to look at the country's ambitions to be an agricultural superpower, checks out the Star City astronaut training center, meets with seven-foot boxing world champion-turned-movie star Nikolai Valuev and talks along the way with entrepreneurs and environmentalists working to make the city of Sochi home to green Olympics in 2014.
The transition zone is mainly used for organic agriculture, and Aya Town is the first community in the country to develop a traditional recycling-oriented agricultural system, put in place in 1988.
But the country needs its migrant workforce to maintain this level of agricultural production.
On Monday October 10th, Rob Portman, the country's trade representative, proposed substantial cuts to rich-world agricultural supports at a meeting of ministers from 15 key members of the WTO.
It would, for example, apply not only to those sometime agricultural workers who are currently in the United States but to others who have left the country.
Even if the country did increase its bioenergy crops and started doing a better job of collecting agricultural wastes for use as cellulosic ethanol feedstocks, the cost of biofuel production is still higher than the market would likely tolerate.
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In a country where temperatures can soar above 105 degrees Fahrenheit, water is too precious an agricultural resource to leave to threat from small-clawed crustacean.
The resurgence in national prosperity, helped by booming global demand for agricultural commodities, has occurred despite the fact that rancorous disputes over the default have kept the country shut out of international capital markets.