And he does have some support from conservative Republicans who are alarmed at the runaway spending.
Vatican officials evidently became alarmed at the nature of the allegations against Cardinal O'Brien.
BBC: Cardinal O'Brien's departure leaves a rudderless Church
MPs, alarmed at the thought that many of them would lose their seats after electoral reform.
Even many of America's allies have been alarmed at the apparent disdain for multilateralism of the new administration.
Turkey is also growing alarmed at the prospect of a more "Balkanized" Syria.
Even if Colombians do decide they want their president to carry on, the outside world might be alarmed at the prospect.
Alarmed at the prospect of losing money, many of them sold on the way down or, worse, at the very bottom.
Tax professionals were alarmed at the number of taxpayers at their offices hoping to file a second return to speed refunds along.
FORBES: Hundreds Of Thousands Of Taxpayers Thought To Be Impacted By Education Credit Snafu
However, for those alarmed at the prospect of a potential Israeli strike against Iran, there was some modest comfort in Mr Netanyahu's words.
Walker says he is alarmed at the level of debt incurred by the club in redeveloping Sophia Gardens into the Test-standard Swalec Stadium.
The Federal Reserve, alarmed at the relentless downward pressure on business' ability to profitably price its products and services, recently declared its concern about deflation.
She was alarmed at the fact that half a million youth still had no access to education and were thus denied opportunities for jobs and growth?
Some people are a bit alarmed at the idea of surveillance drones overhead or drones that could be hacked or drones crashed in their backyards.
The big Hollywood studios are alarmed at the potential for "file-sharing" - recording programmes and then sending them to friends with PVRs - which they see as a form of piracy which damages the interests of rights holders.
This option was rejected by the committee because, even though there would still be limits on what share of their income graduates would have to pay, they might be alarmed at the size of their outstanding debt, especially in the early years when interest charges may be accruing faster than the debt is being paid off.
All sorts of businesses all over the world have good reason to be alarmed at the latest twists in the U.K. debate over the country's membership of EU. Many will already have doubts about investing in the U.K. because of its draconian new immigration laws which make it hard to bring in highly-qualified staff to make up for the U.K.'s chronic skill shortages.
He was in many ways typical of the Progressives, middle- and upper-class people who were alarmed at what the growth of metropolitan cities and huge corporations were doing to a rustic, egalitarian America.
ECONOMIST: A biography of Louis Brandeis: Let's look at the facts | The
For instance, the West is not particularly alarmed, at least for the moment, by the fact that Saudi Arabia has rockets that can go farther than any other in the region.
The German government has become alarmed at falling tax revenues and the damage that could do to its budget plans.
However it didn't take long for other commentators to seem slightly alarmed at how much prominence the pregnancy was getting.
What they discussed is secret (speculation is that it could also involve manufacturing related to an iTV product), but industry observers believe that Apple must be alarmed in the extreme at the possible loss of intellectual property to Samsung as the result of a Samsung-Sharp equity tie-up.
The smaller states are also alarmed at proposals to cut their voting powers, and to scrap the rotating six-month stints at running the EU presidency that all countries, big and small, currently get.
On learning what the investigation uncovered, the Public Accounts Committee at Stormont wrote to the board stating it was "alarmed" that the rationale for key decisions, including appointment of counsel, was not well documented.
When DOE and FBI agents looking at the same results disagreed, alarmed DOE officials assigned Lee to another, unclassified job.
Since that rebate is fixed for another four years, the British did not seem unduly alarmed at what some observers saw as a negotiating smokescreen.
The employees at Myrys were less enthusiastic: alarmed at being swooped on, they barricaded one of Mr Klesch's employees in his office.
However, the evidence and testimony coming from regulators show they were well aware of price-fixing behavior at the time, but were not all that alarmed by it.
Though he is popular with working-class Uruguayans, his rebel background alarmed conservatives, and while running for the presidency he was at pains to stress that he had left his militant past behind.
Dr Julie Sharp, senior science information officer at Cancer Research UK, urged men not to be alarmed by the findings.
That worries many moderates among the 700, 000 Canadians of Indian origin, already alarmed at signs of a Sikh extremist revival.