• More than 100 countries have adopted the .05 alcohol-content standard or lower, according to a report by the board's staff.

    WSJ: U.S. Board Urges 0.05 Drunk-Driving Threshold

  • The lower alcohol-content threshold was one of nearly 20 recommendations aimed at reducing drunken driving made by the board, including that states adopt measures to ensure more widespread use of use of ignition devices.

    WSJ: U.S. Board Urges 0.05 Drunk-Driving Threshold

  • The trace alcohol levels in kombucha led the federal government to warn manufacturers in 2010 that if they exceed an 0.5% alcohol-content level, they would be subject to the same regulations that apply to other alcoholic beverages.

    WSJ: High Tea Has a New Meaning

  • The ban against the drink was a politically-motivated appeal at emotion, sure, but standing up for high-alcohol content, hyper-caffeinated swill that puts teens and college kids in hospitals at much higher rates than other drinks is not a proud line in the sand for a chef to draw.

    FORBES: Chef Eddie Huang's Got Something to Prove

  • But the suit doesn't provide figures for the allegedly watered-down alcohol content.


  • "There are no impediments -- economic, practical or legal -- to AB accurately labeling its products to reflect their true alcohol content, " the 18-page lawsuit said.


  • Mr. Theofilatos is making six basic flavors with low alcohol contents and currently has one high-alcohol flavor, Mava Roka, which has an alcoholic content of about 7 %.

    WSJ: High Tea Has a New Meaning

  • The accusations state they have expert witness testimony and the suit involves 10 beers including Budweiser and Michelob, claiming consumers have been cheated out of the alcohol content stated on the labels because A-B InBev added additional water to produce beers with significantly lower alcohol contents.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Also worth a try is the Pere Jacques, a Belgian-style abbey ale with caramel notes, while hop-lovers should sample the Revolution Double Fist, a faintly pine-scented pale ale with a hefty 8% alcohol content.

    BBC: America��s craft beer explosion

  • The complaint claimed that "Anheuser-Busch employs some of most sophisticated process control technology in the world to precisely monitor the alcohol content at the final stages of production, and then adds additional water to produce beers with significantly lower alcohol contents than is represented on the the labels".

    BBC: Budweiser and Bud light bottles

  • The lawsuit's claims are partly based on internal information from former Anheuser-Busch employees, and the suit will be seeking the beer maker's internal numbers on alcohol content, Boxer said.


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