It was folks like you who forged that middle class all across the nation.
The Great Recession cratered revenue for states and municipalities all across the nation.
Our goal is to revolutionize the way families consume childcare all across the nation, and in doing so, to strengthen community ties and improve quality of life for millions of Americans.
We are making COBRA 65 percent cheaper so Americans don't lose their health care coverage if they're out there looking for work. (Applause.) We are saving the jobs of teachers and police officers that Americans rely on all across the nation.
This should give the Fund a better chance at creating a cluster that helps the education field make great leaps forward in the years ahead that can ultimately reach all students across the nation.
All of the panels now installed across the nation produce only about as much electricity as a single coal-fired plant (about 0.01% of U.S. electricity).
FORBES: Despite Paul Krugman's Cheerleading, Solar Energy Has A Cloudy Future
My question is, one of the things that I have experienced over the last four years as a small business trying to do business in the federal procurement business, essentially, as a small engineering company, is the challenge of the bundling of contracts, which has made it increasingly difficult for service-disabled businesses -- all small businesses across the nation -- to compete basically within the federal procurement system.
By 1980, her millions of fans, however, had made Rand one of the best-selling authors of all time and flocked to hear her speak at college campuses across the nation.
"I'm all for sacrifice across the board, " he said, referring to proposals to trim the nation's debt.
Add all these data points up you get a giant sigh of disgust from economic pundits across the nation.
FORBES: Gold Stocks Have Not Been As Good As Gold But That's Changing
The Fed may not be trailing footprints across our snow-weary nation, but its fingerprints appear to be all over the bull move in stocks that we have seen in stocks in recent weeks.
FORBES: Fed And Treasury Leave Devilish Prints On Bull Market
Virtually all that money has come from the American Beverage Association, which has been fighting battles across the nation to keep sugary drinks from being taxed as sinful.
FORBES: Microsoft CEO Ballmer Ups His Ante In Tax Fight With Gates Sr.