Strypes purchasers get fixed interest payments plus a large share of any gains in the underlying stock while assuming all or almost all the risk of loss.
FORBES: The Lauders did it. So did Craig McCaw and Ronald Perelman.
If it is too close for this model to provide a reliable projection, CNN will wait for primary officials to tally all or almost all the entire vote.
Most private-stock GRATs are set up so that if they grow only 7.5% a year, the grantor gets back all or almost all of it in annuity payments.
Online job listings are much less of a winner-takes-all (or almost all) market.
You can make calls, use the Internet, and do everything else you should be able to do on the iPhone 4 all of the time, or almost all of the time.
Competitive retail providers, like NewEnergy or Direct Energy, offer rate plans that allow customers to lock in current rates for all or almost any portion of their usage.
The 60% or so of schools destroyed or closed during the war have almost all been rebuilt or re-opened.
During its evaulation of its debt, the chain will close some or almost all of its 3, 000 stores in the United States.
But poor good looking women do have an opportunity to make the leap across that equality chasm in a way that not good looking poor women or almost all poor men do not.
The difference from typical lead management software is the freedom to create their own view of the structure of the information, and also being able to bring or transfer the context of almost all they know about each lead with their manager, or others in their sales team.
The wealthy Armenian community, which once numbered around 300 families, almost all died or left.
Almost all appointments or promotions being decided within the system, a junior judge does not lightly refuse a favour to a senior one.
In 1998, up to the end of October, the number of asylum-seekers claiming to be from former Yugoslavia (almost all Albanians or Kosovars) was 6, 335.
Within a few years, or months, almost all the foreigners, including my employer, having failed to realize their vision, were ignomiously if quietly withdrawing.
Yet another Mittelstand gripe is that Germany's high income-tax rates hurt the Mittelstand more than bigger firms because, being almost all family- or trust-owned, they tend to distribute profits in the form of higher pay.
Locog have now confirmed that babes in arms, aged 12 months or under, will be allowed into almost all London 2012 venues without a ticket but strapped securely to a parent or carer in a baby carrier, sling or similar item.
BBC: London 2012: Olympic ticket priority sales dates revealed
One example is the web-sites that now exist for almost all 3, 000 or so undergraduate courses.
However, very little new construction has been completed, and what has been built is almost all owner-occupied or build-to-suit.
Because of the budget shenanigans, NIH has been forced to cut or delay funding to almost all new projects.
Almost all of the 100 or so tombs unearthed to date are single chambers, often small, always made of brick.
By randomizing patients, almost all factors (known or unknown) that might influence the outcome are present in equal proportions in the various treatment groups.
It is no accident that there have been few joint ventures with foreigners, or that, in almost all of those cases, equity stakes have been small.
ECONOMIST: Japanese finance: Rich pickings for the gaijin | The
Farmers of a few select crops such as wheat or maize can avoid almost all risk using the government's overlapping system of subsidised insurance, loans and payments.
In June some 35 firms became the first to be "named and shamed" for employing a total of 56 illegal immigrants - almost all of them takeaways or restaurants.
The commune, whose thousand or so residents are almost all progeny of the male founders, follows the precepts of the breakaway Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints based in Utah.
As yet, no national standards exist for magnetic stripes and account numbering, so almost all of the 300m or so cards in China are used only as cash-machine or debit cards in the issuing bank's home city.
In almost all cases, we will either have a long lead time or none at all.
FORBES: We Probably Wouldn't Even See A Doomsday Asteroid Until It Was Too Late
Duke wasn't the best place to be thinking such thoughts: The regulated utility still generates almost all its electricity with coal or nuclear fuel.
The latest picture is given by this year's annual report of the chief inspector of schools which says "almost all" secondary schools set or band pupils by ability.
In a survey of about 500 modernist homes on New York's Long Island, where real-estate prices are among the highest in the nation, "almost all" have been demolished or drastically altered, says Caroline Rob Zaleski, author of "Long Island Modernism, 1930-1980, " which was published in the fall.