What stands behind the euro: Germany, the European Central Bank (ECB), or nothing at all?
You would likely buy fewer items or nothing at all because of the energy required simply to navigate through each page.
Rep. Steve Israel of New York, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and a former public-relations manager, said he prefers the period over an exclamation point or nothing at all.
Should this occur, observers expect a more muted move by gold than would be the case if policy-setters either do nothing at all or undertake something more aggressive, such as a third round of quantitative easing, known as QE3.
The board added that it " should not be all or nothing" at the hospital.
BBC: Stafford Hospital acute services 'essential' says Trust
Our choices are not between preparing for cyber-doom or doing nothing at all.
FORBES: The Cyberwar Debate: Enough With The Straw Men And Scaremongers
You are welcome to tell the world you love the product, you hate the product or say nothing at all.
FORBES: Virgin America Offers Free Flights to Twitter Influencers
They've faced plenty of critics, some of whom argued that we should stay the course or do nothing at all.
On the other flank, many people who use e-mail decided a long time ago to go with nothing at all, or with "Hi" (followed by the recipient's name), as a reflection of the new informality and ease of note-writing.
While Mr. Roy, a Wall Street analyst, can no doubt afford that hot new piece of technology on day one of release, most Americans have to wait until the manufacturer has amortized enough of its costs to lower the price or, alternatively, settle for something they can more easily afford or for nothing at all.
FORBES: Why Ideological Free-Marketers Will Never Understand Health Care
The verdict could prompt Italian scientists in the future to err on the side of exaggerating risk and over-alarming the public, or to say nothing at all, said Brooks Hanson, a spokesman for the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Konami released this CGI trailer, which tells us nothing at all about the game or gameplay, but is deliciously dark nonetheless.
FORBES: 'Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2' Coming To PC - Not Wii U
But one of the reasons that fuel prices can jump unpredictably has nothing at all to do with production or even consumption.
The top Facebook games, meanwhile, are simply nothing at all like the top PC or console games in any way, shape, or form.
Taking either memantine or donepezil alone was better than nothing at all, but taking them together offered no additional benefit.
Much of this money creation is going into stock prices, since at near-zero interest rates bonds yield little and bank savings or money-market accounts almost nothing at all.
Take a long walk on the beach or in the park and think about nothing at all.
This round has nothing at all to do with Jerry Sandusky, or the former football coaching legend, Joe Paterno, or the former President of Penn State, Graham Spanier, or anyone else involved in the tragic abuse that occurred at the university.
FORBES: Pennsylvania Suing the NCAA: More Than Meets The Eye
Note that this has nothing at all to do with how medicine is organised or paid for.
FORBES: US Incomes Are Rising But It's All Going on Health Care
There was nothing I could do - maybe if I chopped off my leg or something - but there was nothing on me at all.
There is absolutely nothing at all in being an entrepreneur that requires either invention or innovation: it is about the organisation of the factors of production.
FORBES: Capitalism, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurialism: Words That Do Have Meanings
"It's all or nothing now, " Lundqvist said after the Rangers practiced at Madison Square Garden on Thursday afternoon.
WSJ: For Lundqvist and Rangers, a Bad Time to Look Vulnerable
Quite, nothing very much ethical one way or the other about it at all.
FORBES: Has Apple Become More Ethical Since Steve Jobs' Death A Year Ago?
The actual reductions in energy usage they give us are nothing at all, in fact, to do with the use of renewables or green energy.
But the bigger explanation for the persistent strength of the opposition has nothing to do with the merits of the argument or national debate at all.
ECONOMIST: Why is Congress so divided over whether to normalise trade?
The curious emptiness Chicago confronted, the way it just dropped off into nothing, especially at sunset or in the fog, this void was responsible for all the activity.
Nothing much then happened for 50m years when, all of a sudden, the placentals (or, at least, those with surviving descendants) split into four so-called superorders.
This has nothing to do with being conservative or liberal, but rather encouraging each state to look at all of their options, including the Utah and Massachusetts approaches, and develop a state-designed approach to address state-specific issues.