Yet the PIN procedure, says the IRS, counts as a signature for all purposes.
In the United States, we now use roughly as much electricity to cool buildings as we did for all purposes in 1955.
On a similar note, the 2.7-inch LCD looked sharp and served us well for all purposes, although we didn't get to test it outdoor.
Surely they would all appreciate that you want to conform everything, that you want your one-and-only signature to have legal effect for all purposes.
If one executes documents that changes ownership to somebody else in fee simple absolute and without reservations, it will be likely be effective for all purposes, good and bad.
For all intents and purposes, all this research shows that developed nations are on the downward-sloping portion of the Rahn Curve.
FORBES: Study From Swedish Economists Allows Us To Quantify Cost Of Bush-Obama Spending Binge
Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister of the UK, has proposed that shares in one of the banks that was for all practical purposes nationalised in 2008 by the last Labour government should be distributed to all taxpayers in the UK as compensation for the costs that they have incurred in bailing out the banks.
For all rational purposes, Cox says, the economy will not improve unless the market does.
In that event, the burden becomes so high as to become insurmountable for all practical purposes.
That network, of course, was Facebook, and, for all practical purposes, it killed MySpace.
And debate in the Senate would have been, for all practical purposes, shut down.
Consequently, the risks inherent in the two size segments are the same for all practical purposes.
It would be efficient for all practical purposes to admit them as a block.
This market, which is vital for lending and growth, has for all practical purposes ground to a halt.
But for all practical purposes, the steam is just released and lost forever.
At minimum, it showed that for all practical purposes, we've stopped losing jobs.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan
The Mori government is, for all practical purposes, an Obuchi government with only minor adjustments among cabinet and party offices.
To cover all these purposes, the consumption tax would have to be raised to 25-30 percent, which would certainly be unacceptable.
They presented as a video with music in storybook form but it is designed to be used for all media purposes.
As a result, for all practical purposes the Fed has no equity, no reserves and only a razor thin margin for error.
For all practical purposes, the costliest public school for in-staters is Ferris State University's Kendall School for Art and Design in Grand Rapids, Mich.
For all practical purposes, petitioners were responsible for the demolition work, and it came about as a direct result of their purchasing the property.
Because an employee who works less than 30 hours a week is not an employee at all for purposes of the Affordable Care Act.
FORBES: The Corporate Blackmailing Of America Is Now All the Rage
The result will be that not far out in the future, for all practical purposes, standards based apps may match the performance of native apps.
First, competitors have caught up with Apple for all practical purposes.
But for all practical purposes, the 4-4-2, the 4-3-3, the 4-2-3-1 and all the rest no longer have any relevance after the referee's whistle is blown.
WSJ: Euro 2012: Germany, Italy and the Fraudulence of Soccer Formations
My direct interactions with Steve Jobs decreased during the decade that I was for all practical purposes a hermit working on A New Kind of Science.
Geothermal energy is buried miles deep underground and is, for all practical purposes, impossible to find without a fair amount of technical knowledge, testing and so forth.
Remember, the top three slots and most of the assistant attorney general slots are vacant for all practical purposes, with the confirmed leaders having departed almost en masse.
Since he took over the defunct (for all practical purposes) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, he is the U.S. mortgage market, because those organizations account for the bulk of mortgages originated.