"The internet can allow many people to realise their identities more fully, " the authors write.
Southwest lets you plug in your info manually, while American won't even allow that.
The app enhancements also allow users to instantly share their mobile viewing experiences on social networks.
Whether all this will allow Rockwell to survive as a stand-alone company is another matter.
This is to allow enough time for the peer review process to take place.
In some cases, these dark pools allow outsiders entry to increase their order flow.
Daily boat tours allow visitors to get up close to the birds in their natural environment.
Parliamentarians have tried to introduce a measure specifically designed to allow the Rodney case to proceed.
Now the Department of Agriculture has grudgingly announced that it will allow irradiation of red meat.
Leeds coach Neil Back explained the departures would allow the club to rebuild for next season.
That would allow Weill to wash his hands of the fiasco without any sort of mea culpa.
If the humidity and your stomach allow, the Jamaican Grill is worth a stop for lunch.
Still other insurance companies offer personal health records that mostly allow you to look at claims data.
The deal builds on a recent commitment to fish sustainably, and to allow more regional decision making.
The current draft does not allow the extradition of people already tried in Colombia (eg, the Rodriguez Orejuelas).
And the Scots have decided that they're not going to allow cigarettes to be sold openly any more.
The IRS forbids loans from most IRAs, and will only allow early withdrawals for medical or educational expenses.
On Monday, the government agreed to allow garment workers to form trade unions without permission from factory owners.
But success could allow the company to create an innovation capability that actually lives up to the hype.
Equity crowdfunding will allow entrepreneurs to sell unregistered shares directly to all sorts of investors via the Internet.
Big Ten rules allow for a conference championship when six schools sponsor a sport.
WSJ: Johns Hopkins, Big Ten: Big Ten to Add Johns Hopkins for Lacrosse
Financial mechanisms like these will allow managers to experience the dynamics of running an end-to-end business.
They called on both sides to allow aid to reach civilians, including the wounded.
The U.N. agencies called for an immediate cease-fire to allow civilians to leave the town.
The firm said the system would allow its better drivers to receive cheaper premiums.
That presentation-hijacking trick would allow Teusink to do more than simply advance or reverse slides.
All they do is to allow folks who are already well-off and well-connected game the system.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget
The MAGE (multiplex automated genome engineering device) will allow scientists to cook exponentially faster.
Unlike Yugoslavia, Croatia has amended its constitution to allow for the surrender of its citizens.
The life courses that allow entrepreneurs to succeed may also be important for teachers.
FORBES: What Are the Right Schools of Experience for Teachers in New Schools?