• Think twice, though, about specializing in fields that require a close alternation of experiment and quantitative analysis.

    WSJ: Great Scientists Don't Need Math

  • The variety of landscapes and water features, the alternation of the seemingly wild with the obviously cultivated, all call to mind Olmsted's Central Park.

    WSJ: Biltmore Estate | King of the Castles | Masterpiece by Julia M. Klein

  • One of the flourishes of the British temperament that are most enchanting to Americans is the alternation, among the brightest spirits, of seriousness and wit.

    NEWYORKER: Free Spirits

  • That has helped to break the cycle of political violence which dogged the region, produced a healthy alternation of power, and directed attention to deep-rooted social problems.

    ECONOMIST: A big step backward for a still-uncertain democracy

  • Even though Chile has advanced immensely in terms of democracy, economy and the rule of law, it is vital for a full functioning democracy that alternation of power takes place.


  • He helped to organise a democratic alternation of leadership, and became eventually a mover, together with Prof Francis Gichuru, for the establishment of the African Cultural Regeneration Institute (ACRI) in 2003.

    UNESCO: Patrimoine culturel immat��riel

  • There, he struggles to avoid recapture and to survive in snowed-under, sparsely inhabited woodlands, and Skolimowski films his savage travails with an exciting yet chilling alternation between the grandeur of landscapes and the grit of intimate experience.

    NEWYORKER: Essential Killing

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