For its part, Germany is closing down all its plants and switching over to alternative fuels.
The politician's answer is to give a boost to alternative fuels, via mandates and subsidies.
History is replete with examples of people hyping new, cheap, plentiful and clean alternative fuels.
In fact, API says it does not want to deter the production of alternative fuels.
As oil drilling becomes a major issue, alternative fuels will once again come to the forefront.
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We want to set a standard that says by 2015, 100 percent of cars, alternative fuels.
While alternative fuels are certainly an important part of the solution, natural gas is too often overlooked.
There was a lot of money that went into alternative fuels when oil prices were really high.
This year, Australia's drought and America's ongoing quest for alternative fuels has dramatically lifted grain and corn prices.
The Great Green Fleet demonstration continues our long tradition of energy transformation by powering the Fleet with alternative fuels.
WHITEHOUSE: Advancing National Security Through Energy Security
There is a host of tax credits for energy efficiency and alternative fuels.
Alternative fuels such as bagasse and shoot are used instead of bunker oil.
Brady, who runs the region's alternative fuels outreach program, says he often gets calls from flex-fuel car owners like Davidson.
To date, however, alternative fuels and green vehicles require more resources to deliver less energy and transportation at greater cost.
Carbon emissions from natural gas are lower than alternative fuels and it is widely considered the fuel for the next generation.
Like the U.S., Brazil has been trying to lessen its reliance on oil for the past three decades by promoting alternative fuels.
Invented by engineer and entrepreneur Jonathan Rothberg, such desktop gene machines could transform medicine, agriculture, nanotechnology and the search for alternative fuels.
Push the transition away from oil to natural gas and alternative fuels.
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The talk may be about a windfall tax on oil companies, but the action will be on boosting subsidies for alternative fuels.
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But the heat-driven Stirling engine design opens up possibilities for alternative fuels.
AEI, however, would repeal energy credits for both fossil and alternative fuels and, at the same time, impose a new tax on carbon.
Ah, but buy enough time, in the White House scenario, and we will have developed alternative fuels, "cold cracking" refineries and hydrogen cars.
Needless to say, the widespread availability of such cars - and the alternative fuels they would utilize - would literally change the world.
The first studies, conducted principally by the nuclear industry and its proponents in both countries, improbably suggested that alternative fuels would be too costly.
Politicians these days, especially Senators Obama and Clinton, routinely bash the oil companies and call for more efforts to come up with cleaner alternative fuels.
The President said he wants 35 billion gallons of renewable and alternative fuels by 2017, displacing 15% of projected annual gasoline use by that target date.
If you think about the future of transportation, you might think about cars that get better gas mileage, use alternative fuels or have more passenger comforts.
But, the board says, the 20 million gallons of diesel fuel saved from these alternative fuels was the equivalent of eliminating the emissions from 700, 000 cars.
He said he believed the use of alternative fuels like wood chip, wood pellets or cereals had "the potential to deliver a wide range of benefits".
Our military leaders recognize the security imperative of increasing the use of alternative fuels, decreasing energy use, reducing our reliance on imported oil, making ourselves more energy-efficient.