But in Ithkuil ambiguity is quashed in the interest of making all that is implicit explicit.
This romantic ambiguity was also reflected in my conversations with people who were single.
Burden says he and others in military blogging circles believe the ambiguity will likely cause problems.
There he had been schooled in the concept of VUCA: volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.
Any ambiguity in profit projections, then, decreases the willingness of investors to back the endeavor.
Studied ambiguity, or just studied silence, are the best tools of the interveners' trade.
But one must ask whether this purposeful ambiguity is any way to run a regulatory process.
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The two terms weren't part of Indian criminal laws, leaving ambiguity about such offences.
"You have to declare yourself as fast as you can to avoid ambiguity, " he says.
How did you deal with the ambiguity and then help turn that to your advantage?
The ambiguity left by Ms Rice requires action both in Europe and in America.
This ambiguity leaves countries free to interpret the treaty (and act) as they see fit.
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Step three is overcoming our tendency for using ambiguity as tool for staying off the hook.
One of the most difficult things is handling the ambiguity in those first hours and days.
Thus far the coalition parties have finessed their differences by fudge, abstention, and creative ambiguity.
But this week a foreign-ministry spokesman in Beijing removed some of the room for such ambiguity.
There could be room for a little ambiguity that gives face to both sides.
Make sure your team is clear and accountable about these milestones (again, kill that ambiguity).
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Irony, metaphor, ambiguity: these are the ingenious instruments that allow us to mean more than we say.
Despite all the ambiguity about the future of housing, city governments did seem clear on one thing.
All of that ambiguity causes litigants to spend a lot of time and money fighting each other.
Ambiguity arises when internships mix work (which must be paid for) with training (which need not be).
The regional body "creates a lot of ambiguity and tensions, but it's an important tool, " Bragdon says.
That's a mistake, I think: It leaves a hole where there might have been ambiguity and doubt.
Obama can only unite the party if he gets over his ambiguity about Hillary and her supporters.
But despite this ambiguity, there is sense that this social alchemy might very well lead to innovation.
The collaborators whittled these down to the 27 biggest events, so that there would be no ambiguity.
The difficulty is that Mr Livingstone is both a masterful populist and, on policy, a master of ambiguity.
Ambiguity remained over their powers, he argued, saying they must be able to compel witnesses to attend hearings.
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Having only begun her career in 2009, Ashley now looks forward to the delicious ambiguity of the future.