Amusingly I was on one of the TV news programs with Margaret Hodge this lunchtime.
FORBES: Links 3 Dec: Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon. The European Taxmen Are Going After Them All
Amusingly, the people making this argument come equally from the Left (the aid community) and the Right (free traders).
Amusingly, the hot hand and Monte Carlo fallacies can lead to contradictory conclusions.
Most amusingly, this is seen in the long-mistaken gender of the queen bee.
This whole story of the Apple Samsung spat has become amusingly bizarre.
Much of what Oskar says in the book is amusingly beside the point.
These effects are familiar, of course, but no longer amusingly so, as they were in the digital era's early days.
WSJ: Movie Review: Knight and Day, Restrepo, Let It Rain | By Joe Morgenstern
As Podhoretz amusingly and touchingly recounts his life, he fulsomely expresses gratitude for the opportunities the U.S. has given him.
For the next, the pollsters predict he will get just 5-6%, behind even Arlette Arguiller, the amusingly perennial Trotskyite candidate.
ECONOMIST: The party is probably on the skids, whoever runs it
The amusingly named Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 promises to ensnare hundreds of thousands of additional taxpayers in the recordkeeping trap.
At times he calls for a thoroughgoing scepticism, even relativism, attacking the Christianity of Pascal (unconvincingly) and Francis of Assisi (amusingly).
Amusingly it seems that the answer could be yes: Apple could be forced to close down its retail operations in Italy.
Amusingly, you also get to see all the comments left by the devs in the code, guaranteeing a few good chuckles from others who can relate.
ENGADGET: Palm's webOS root image leaks out, code enthusiasts reschedule their normal nightly plans
They camp out for days and become the victims of an unseen master and his nerdy, sadistic minion (Jack Plotnick), and the two story frames converge amusingly yet trivially.
The markings have been blamed variously on mice, on a weather balloon trailing lines and tackle, and most amusingly on a kangaroo that may have escaped from a local zoo.
FORBES: Fed And Treasury Leave Devilish Prints On Bull Market
Now that translates rather amusingly, Richard III is rhyming slang for bird, bird is prison slang for length of sentence - what it means is don't do your sentence twice over.
The Globe and Mail, Canada's traditional national newspaper, put an end to that terrible drought with Report on Business Television, named after the daily's financial section and amusingly acronymed ROB TV.
This goes on pretty continuously, sometimes amusingly, mostly not.
Said to be a masterful manager, Mourinho displayed theatrics, arrogance, and balls (along with an amusingly poor grasp of English) at press conferences, but he was cautious and calculating on the pitch.
Well he was a relatively senior businessman in his earlier incarnation (that said, he self-deprecatingly and amusingly pointed out that he was the only innumerate treasurer of one of the UK's biggest companies, and his employer, Enterprise Oil, paid someone to check all his numbers).
You know, lesiure, the time to stare at the bubbles in beer (or more amusingly, to ponder the bubbles that pass for though as they travel through the head of the new barmaid), contemplate the sunset, whatever it is that we think is the good life.
FORBES: Does More Money Always Make You Happier? No, Of Course Not, Don't Be So Silly