• Paris also derives charm and intimacy from the small shops that populate its neighborhoods.

    CNN: We'll always have Paris

  • We have gotten better at immediacy and intimacy online: Perhaps we can be better at empathy too.

    CNN: Dronestagram uses social media to highlight drone strikes

  • Perhaps because we consumers like the privacy and intimacy of email, just as we do direct mail.

    FORBES: How A Fortune 1000 Brand Uses Email To Stay Engaged

  • Connected learning seeks to explore alternative venues while maintaining the immediacy and intimacy of the traditional academic community.

    FORBES: A New Kind of Distance Learning

  • Media and commercial marketing have already infiltrated and polluted our images, our unconscious choices and expectations of love, relationships, sex and intimacy.

    NPR: New Lows In TV Advertising

  • Perhaps these reflect that the quality of undergraduate educational focus and intimacy does affect student satisfaction and subsequent alumni financial contributions to alma maters.

    FORBES: When To Say No To Harvard

  • For us, a bedroom is a place for sleep and intimacy.

    WSJ: Philippe Petit on the House That Came Wired

  • Aria: The smallest room I know of in a big, luxury property, this is the opposite of the loud brash party palace, and intimacy is the selling point.

    FORBES: 10 Best Las Vegas Sports Events - And Where To Watch Them

  • When last we saw the Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami, he was capturing the songs of Ugandan street children with his digital video camera, delighting in the portability and intimacy of the new technology.


  • "I'd traveled the world and had never found the perfect limo to move around in"--that is, he says, one that combines the comfort and intimacy of a family room with the corporate trappings of a private jet.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "Some women became hooked on the espionage itself - the excitement and intimacy of a shared secret - and they could be directed towards another partner if the first had to vanish for security reasons, " says Wolf.

    BBC: Spy in the house of love

  • With a personal, almost manic, bias to exceed my customers expectation, I now have the opportunity to help influence and get developed solutions that help our customers implement solutions that enable them to improve customer insight and intimacy in a way that delights their customers and exceeds their expectations.

    FORBES: Pay-It-Forward Trumps ROI Where Social Is Concerned

  • Obamamania, and the strange intimacy and chemistry of politics in a globalised world, may reinforce Britain's hardening yen for novelty.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • Having spent many years as Time magazine's bureau chief in Tokyo and having done a stint in Detroit, Mr Reingold knows cars and Japan with an intimacy and insight few academic biographers and historians can match.

    ECONOMIST: The complex lives of legal persons

  • And the intimacy of these events makes it easier to form relationships, build bonds and connect with a potential customer that could very well turn out to be a customer for decades.

    FORBES: Why I Won't Be At SXSW Next Year

  • This is very much a digital campaign, using websites, e-mails and the apparent intimacy of Facebook and Twitter over big scale blanket advertising.

    BBC: A targeted message from Obama 2012

  • The proximity and forced intimacy of the holiday exposes the many cracks in their relationships.

    ECONOMIST: New British fiction: Unhappy in its own way | The

  • In face-to-face encounters, our brains process the continual cascade of nonverbal cues that we use as the basis for building trust and professional intimacy.

    FORBES: Getting People Face-To-Face Will Increase Collaboration At Yahoo!

  • "For some men, sex may be their primary way of communicating and expressing intimacy, " says Justin Lehmiller, a Harvard University social psychologist who studies sexuality.

    WSJ: When He Says, 'More' and She Says 'No'

  • He pondered ways to warm them up and achieve intimacy.

    WSJ: The Height of Charm | Anatomy Lesson

  • At the time they both looked the same to me, but there's a huge stylistic difference between those two periods: The 18th century is all about comfort and the intimacy of grandeur.

    WSJ: A Museum-Quality Living Room

  • Also notice the deep commitment to the personal and profound intimacy of Benjamin Britten's String Quartet No. 2, still a sleeper, waiting for our attention to turn from music that makes bigger noises and demands.

    NPR: The Jupiter String Quartet: Orbiting Perfection

  • "More projects get made, more material is available, but a lot of it is dumbed down for the general audience, and the intimacy of fan-run conventions is now almost a thing of the past, " he said.

    CNN: The uncharted journey of Ronald D. Moore

  • Her first novel, "Attachment, " published in 2008, probed the poignant and sometimes comedic world of aging, intimacy and deceit between a long-married media couple across England, America and an imaginary island in the Indian Ocean.

    WSJ: Editor's Letter

  • Being a Social CMO is less about being adept at using the tools and more about developing an intimacy with and understanding of your customers, employees, peers, and influencers.

    FORBES: Meet The Top 20 Most Social CMOs Of The Fortune 100 [Visuals]

  • Palin, who studied journalism in college and worked for a time as a sportscaster, has an informal manner of speech, simultaneously chatty and urgent, and she reinforces her words with winks and nods and wrinklings of her nose that seem meant to telegraph intimacy and ease.

    NEWYORKER: The State of Sarah Palin

  • Ross is something of an indie Robert Altman, with his huge cast of characters and plaited strands of dialogue, and he has a sharp and comic eye for intimacy, domesticity, and practicality: daily routines when nothing is happening have the moment of high drama, and an egg in the refrigerator, a broken waffle iron, and a handful of change virtually come to life.

    NEWYORKER: Audrey the Trainwreck

  • As cutesy as any Hollywood romantic comedy and shallower than many, this low-budget production turns the scruffy intimacy and youthful quandaries of independent filmmaking into a trademark.

    NEWYORKER: Breaking Upwards

  • "I believe that Anthony Weiner was bewitched by the seductive power of the Internet as it blends pseudo-anonymity with pseudo-privacy and pseudo-intimacy in a brew that has potential to poison individuals, families and institutions, " Mr. Roberts wrote on his blog.

    WSJ: Crovitz: The Internet Lets It All Hang Out

  • Middlemen, brokers and other facilitators used within various customer relationship and delivery processes have less value and can be designed out when intimacy with customers and patients can help produce the right offer at the right time and place.

    FORBES: The Age Of Mass Intimacy: CEOs Share Secrets Of Connecting With Customers In A Digital World

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