In repressive countries, the arrival of the internet has often been greeted by citizens as a wonderful way to bypass government control, enabling dissidents to air their views and keep in contact with the outside world.
The aim is to keep beneficiaries motivated to find work and to keep them in close contact with the job market.
When Alwaleed travels, an advance communications team sets up a private phone network and satellite link, putting him in contact with his office in Riyadh and letting him keep an eye on the Arab TV channels in which he owns a stake.
While you are going through the decision making process, be sure to keep in contact and communicate via email or through telephone conversations with all of your potential employers as appropriate.
Part of the response, according to the document, should be to train European jihadists quickly and send them home -- rather than use them as fighters in Afghanistan and Pakistan -- with instructions on how to keep in secret contact with their handlers.
Mrs Jones, her husband, and their four other sons keep in regular contact with him.
Although living 130 miles apart, the two formed a friendship last year and began using MSN Messenger and mobile phone texts to keep in daily contact.
People come to them to keep in contact with friends and relatives, play games, or carry out business.
Make business cards with the contact information and keep it in your wallet.
The internet has become an increasingly important tool for al-Qaeda, allowing the group to keep in contact with its supporters and spread its message to the outside world.
Of course, when class is out of session, students are expected to keep in contact, work on group projects and study together.
"They're no longer going to be centrally located and easy to contact and stay in touch with and keep involved, " Sanders said of college voters.
Rovio worked with U.K. games publisher Chillingo to polish the animation and work out a plan to keep rolling out new updates, so Rovio could stay in contact with its players.
Keep it in a secure and locked location or with a trusted individual at home whom you can contact in case your wallet is lost or stolen.
FORBES: Traveling this summer? Don't forget to pack your privacy.
Seniors should keep in contact with potential caregivers over time to ensure that their circumstances have not changed, and they are still willing to care for the pet.