Moreover, as Secretary Napolitano has said, once the suspect attempted to take down Flight 253 -- after his attempt it's clear that passengers and crew, our homeland security systems and our aviation security took all appropriate actions.
"I've instructed the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security and our intelligence community to continue to deploy all the necessary resources to support the investigation, to collect intelligence, and to protect our citizens, " he said.
Now, the more comprehensive, formal reviews and recommendations for improvement will be completed in the coming weeks, and I'm committed to working with Congress and our intelligence, law enforcement and homeland security communities to take all necessary steps to protect the country.
You know, I favor a withdrawal that would be completed in six months, redeployment of our troops, and to use the money to do real homeland security to protect our ports and our borders.
The professionalism of the men and women in our intelligence, counterterrorism and law enforcement and homeland security communities is extraordinary.
For the last four years, as my Advisor for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security, John developed and has overseen our comprehensive counterterrorism strategy -- a collaborative effort across the government, including intelligence and defense and homeland security, and law enforcement agencies.
And we will continue to work with Congress to ensure that our intelligence, homeland security, and law enforcement communities have the resources they need to keep the American people safe.
That's what these steps are designed to do, and we will continue to work with Congress to ensure that our intelligence, homeland security, and law enforcement communities have the resources they need to keep the American people safe.
We've made substantial investments in our homeland security and disrupted plots that threatened to take American lives.
Reflecting the new challenges of our time, he put new emphasis on cyber security, development and climate change, and made sure that homeland security is fully integrated into our efforts.
We've got to do things differently in so many different aspects of our government, in order for the parts that are crucial to our homeland security and international security to work properly.
As usual, our intelligence, law enforcement and Homeland Security professionals have served with extraordinary skill and resolve and with the commitment that their enormous responsibilities demand.
But it's also my job to ensure that our intelligence, law enforcement and homeland security systems and the people in them are working effectively and held accountable.
Here at home, our intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement agencies have worked together with considerable success: gathering intelligence, stitching it together, and making arrests -- from Denver to Texas, from Illinois to New York -- disrupting plots and saving American lives.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to the Press After Security Meeting
In short, we need our intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement systems -- and the people in them -- to be accountable and to work as intended: collecting, sharing, integrating, analyzing, and acting on intelligence as quickly and effectively as possible to save innocent lives -- not just most of the time, but all the time.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to the Press After Security Meeting
To ensure we have the resources to prepare for the future, and to address the emerging challenges to homeland security, we needed a more realistic and balanced assessment of our near-term warfighting needs.
So we've totally redirected our FBI now from its traditional function to homeland security, and much of the same thing is going in the CIA. But as we're doing that, we cannot lose site of that part of the world, and the interests that we have there.
Yesterday, over 100 leaders from across the country came to the White House to join Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano for a discussion about how to make our schools, institutions of higher education, and houses of worship safer through the creation of high-quality emergency management plans.
In a letter posted on the White House website, John Brennan, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, said that protecting the internet was "critical to our national security, public safety and our personal privacy and civil liberties".
We have folks like Secretary Napolitano from Department of Homeland Security, and Cass Sunstein, who are going to be heading up our team, and making sure that these things go into effect in a way that benefits both the Canadian people and the American people.
Even as we stay focused on this mission, we need you to stay nimble and flexible to meet the full range of threats to our security, from plots against our homeland to nations seeking weapons of mass destruction to transnational threats such as cyber criminals and narcotraffickers.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Thanks the Intelligence Community
Our armed forces - like their counterparts in the intelligence community, Department of Homeland Security and law enforcement - have a professional duty to know the enemy and develop appropriate responses to the threat doctrine.
This fundamental reliance is why our digital infrastructure is a strategic national asset, and why today I joined leaders from the Department of Homeland Security, members of Congress, and leaders from across New York and financial world to support National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) and the Stop.
These Proceedings provide the reader with authoritative, yet highly accessible, commentary on he most pressing security policy ssues of our time, covering the waterfront of foreign affairs, defense olicy, arms control, energy, economic and homeland security.
"The issue is that we'll have to look within and see where we could find funding to sustain our programs, " said Gary Coons, chief of the Division of Homeland Security in the Indianapolis Department of Public Safety.