Buffeted by Chinese competition and then by the American recession, the economy grew at an annual average rate of just 1.8% between 2000 and 2011.
The governor of South Carolina tried to reject the stimulus, but he was overruled first by his legislature and then by the state's highest court.
We want to increase that again to 85 percent by the year 2020, and then by the year 2030 we hope to be at 100 percent.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Unveils Childhood Obesity Task Force Action Plan | The White House
We have been given a task by the attorney general of the United States and then by the Special Division of the U.S. Court of Appeals.
The project's groundbreaking was delayed by a rezoning, which was opposed by some community members concerned about increased traffic and pollution, and then by the economic downturn.
Investment income is taxed once by the corporate income tax, and then by the capital gains or dividends tax when it is passed through to the individual.
FORBES: President Obama's State Of The Union Confusion And Deception
Charles Grassley and then by the companies, Kastelein angrily raised the possibility last July that a delay could lead to the appearance of impropriety, even if the companies had good intentions.
The daily OBV on HES had moved above its WMA at the end of June and then by the middle of July had broken its downtrend, line a.
The hero, Swofford himself (Jake Gyllenhaal), gets pounded by officers, first by a drill instructor and then by the sergeant (Jamie Foxx) who heads his special Marine unit, and hazed by his buddies.
The 26-year-old was twice denied a hat-trick late in the opening half, first from Smith's excellent reflex save and then by the assistant referee's flag, with the striker having strayed offside before curling the ball into the net.
Lit, first, by flares on the steps and then by the reddening sky on the horizon from which the original Achaeans came 2, 700 years ago, a young flautist dressed in white played pieces by Bach and Debussy, Honegger and Berio.
ECONOMIST: Letter from Magna Graecia: Dear George?.?.?. | The
But based on the proposal we got from BP last week and our second letter to them, they have come in with counterproposals that have increased the production capacity there that should have us, by the end of next week, up to about 28, 000 barrels a day, and then by the end of June, 53, 000 barrels.
The committee's approval makes the measure more likely to become law, but it must be first be voted on by the House and then ratified by the Senate.
Sadly it is impossible to prove whether her contention is correct: as I've mentioned before, depending on the time of day, investors and creditors seem by turns more frightened by the Scylla of unsustainable debt and then petrified by the Charybdis of possible recession.
Before it becomes law, it must be passed by the lower chamber and then signed by the president.
Apple's share price rose sharply following a revival under Steve Jobs, who died in 2011, which came about first in computers and then the iPod music player, and was then followed by the iPhone and iPad.
The rise of fascism in the 1920s and 1930s, and then the destruction wrought by the second world war, made many European democrats reconsider the usefulness of judges.
He started out by designing the console for a car-racing game, and then by conceiving the look of the attackers for a knockoff of Space Invaders called Space Fever.
You were caught unawares by capital gain distributions forced on you last year-even as the fund was losing money-and then clobbered by the tax bill this April.
The toys have been doubly abandoned first, by Andy, who no longer needs them, and then, by the stuffed bear Lotso (Ned Beatty), who runs the place and turns it into a nightmarish prison.
The change to Section 203 of the Labor Management Reporting Disclosure Act was first proposed in the waning days of the Clinton administration and then shelved by the incoming Bush administration.
FORBES: New Labor Dept. Rule Would Require Employers To Out Their Own Lawyers
By March 2007, we had the window clings produced, the recipient list built, the addresses scrubbed and cleaned, the letters mail-merged and printed, the envelopes stuffed and then sent out by the US Postal Service.
The proceeds of all the transactions are totted up, and then divided by the total number of sales to reach an average sale price.
The (real) money comes when something is made and then accepted by the marketplace.
The United States had become majority urban as recently as 1920, and then only by the U.S. Census definition of urban as a settlement of more than 2, 500 persons.
She unpicks other tangles too: the tense relationship between the impatient, ill-informed underground leadership in Poland and the divided, ill-led exiled government in London, sidelined and then dumped by the allies as the Soviet armies marched west.
And then you work on yourself and then luckily, by the grace of God and the audience, one day something clicks and they decide that they want to like you and your film works.
In the fictional transaction, cash equal to the elected amount is deemed distributed by the corporation to its shareholders and then immediately contributed by the shareholders back to the corporation.
FORBES: S Corporation Shareholders: Is it Time to Consider Accelerating Income Into 2012?
Air is pumped in and then compressed by the mass of water above it.
FORBES: The Most Important Man in Energy Storage? Try Archimedes
More than 35 million potential medicines will be tested and then compiled by the Department of Defense.