Is the urea in animal waste different from the urea that comes from a retort?
Even Hagedorn says products with animal waste aren't necessarily better for the environment than chemical-laced alternatives.
The Section 45 credit is also available for energy producers who use geothermal sources, animal waste, municipal waste, biomass and refined coal.
Grassley, R-Iowa, a longtime backer of ethanol and fuel from animal waste.
The team is also looking to see if the bacteria can convert any other products into fuel, such as human or animal waste.
We feed them animal waste, and they convert it from manure to digested effluent, eating the carbohydrates and producing biogas that contains methane.
An earlier version of Nocton's plan was opposed by Britain's Environment Agency (EA), which was worried about the risk of groundwater pollution from animal waste.
Vegetables that grow on the ground are more likely to be contaminated with bacteria, since runoff from animal waste is likely the source of contamination.
Farms, in contrast, have mostly escaped such enforcement, even as consolidation and automation have created very concentrated sources of animal waste, particularly in the pig business.
The department specifies that animal waste must be picked up every seven days, and has rules about keeping stuff in the yard that might be a breeding ground for vermin and mosquitoes, like old tires.
As well as animal welfare concerns over rearing large numbers of farm animals in close proximity, the water use, farmland for animal feed, waste and greenhouse-gas emissions associated with meat production make it one of the most significant environmental problems in the world today.
It is the source of almost 4% of the world's greenhouse gases, mostly in the form of methane from rotting food and that does not include all the methane generated by animal slurry and other farm waste.
Effluent waste from these concentrated animal facilities are undermining what little clean water and healthy micro-nutrient cycles still exist out there.
Food is donated to food banks and hunger relief organizations and other organic waste products are used to make animal feed, compost and even energy creation.
They squander land, damage plant and animal species through the heavy use of fertilizers and pesticides, and waste huge amounts of water.
One key to achieving Agrimonde's proposal is convincing people in rich countries to limit their waste and meat consumption and create more even distribution of animal products in diets around the world.