In April Manmohan Singh's government caved in to another hunger-striker, Anna Hazare, who extracted a big concession, winning for his supporters a right to co-draft an anti-corruption bill.
In late 2011 Ms Banerjee failed to support both the central government's plans to let foreign supermarkets into India and its latest attempt to pass an anti-corruption bill.
It is also difficult to ignore the fact that unless Mr Hazare and his spirited bunch of aides had not kicked up a storm over a strong anti-corruption bill, India's politicians would never have moved on it with the alacrity they have demonstrated in the past few months.
Recently, Ms Banerjee has opposed Congress on a number of key issues, including petrol price rises, water sharing treaties, retail reform and the anti-corruption Lokpal bill.
India's cabinet has approved some key changes to the controversial anti-corruption Lokpal bill suggested by a committee of MPs from the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of parliament.